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A/N: about the song Detention lol. I had to put it there the moment I named the chapter detention.

"Wake up!" an unknown voice screeched, "Wake up, you little hooligan!"

I, finally, opened my eyes when I felt a cat's tail tickle my nose. I looked up at a horrific sight. Filch's face! I saw Filch and Mrs. Norris staring down at me with a  wicked smile attached to Filch's face. 

"Detention!" He said, the grin growing wider.

I turned my head around to face Mattheo; except, there was no Theo. 

"What are you doing, you little brat? Looking for your imaginary friend?" Filch snickered.

He stood me up by the scruff of my neck, and he dragged me into the school. 

"I have an extra student for you, professor!" Filch cackled, adding some weird bow.

"Stop wasting everyone's time," a voice, that loathes me, groaned. He threw me into the room and walked away with a satisfied nod to Mrs. Norris. I, quickly, took a look around. There was only one other student in the room with me, but I didn't recognize her.

"Ms. Granger. What a surprise!" Snape smirked. 

I really should get my likability up with my teachers... Whoops!

"Be prepared for a long day. You have to write 500 sentences on what you did wrong, clean my entire room, and..." he let out a sinister laugh, "clean the bathrooms!"

"Let's just say the sentences will be the least of your guy's problems. A few words of the wise. Be careful of chemicals in my room, or don't.  The bathroom hasn't been cleaned in a century," Snape smiled. When I was bringing my sentences up to Professor Snape, there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in!" Snape growled. Nicole, Mia, and my sister all came in with their heads down.

"Oh, great! What did you all do?" Snape scowled.

They all looked at each other and silently agreed that Hermione should speak.

"Well, Nicole was hungry, so Mia and Nicole devised a plan to sneak into the kitchen. They were being suspicious, and I went to check on them.  The girls explained their plan, and I was hungry. I think you know what happened then..." Hermione laughed, nervously.

"Well, you girls are just in time to clean my room and the bathrooms!" Snape grinned.

Everyone, except Snape, walked outside.

"How about we all split up?" It'll go quicker!" Hermione suggested.

"3 can clean the bathroom, and 2 will clean Snape's room. Then, once the 2 are done cleaning Snape's room, they can help with the bathroom," I said.

"Sounds great!" Mia and Nicole agreed.

"Sure!" the younger girl said, "I'm Lucy! I'm a 3rd year." 

We all introduced ourselves and split ourselves into groups. I, unluckily, got paired with Nicole to clean Snape's room, so it was just going to be us.

When we got to Snape's room, we, immediately, went to separate sides of the room.

After about 15 minutes... "Listen, Y/N, I'm sorry, but I just don't want to see you hurt. Or, worse, killed!"

"Actually, the worst thing that could happen would be getting expelled, according to my sister," I said, earning a laugh from both of us. 

"I really am sorry!" Nicole said.

"If it makes you feel better, you won't be seeing any more of him," I sighed.

"Care to elaborate," Nicole said, trying to not seem surprised. She was failing.

I explained everything.

"He just abandoned you?!" Nicole asked.

"Pretty much. He just left me to get caught. He didn't even wake me up!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"That's cold!"

"Right?!" I agreed.

It took us a while, but when we actually worked together, it started to go faster. 

~1 hour later~

"Finally!" Nicole yelled.

"We're done!" I sighed in relief.

"Wanna take a 5-minute break before we head down to the bathroom?" Nicole asked.

"Would I ever?!" I replied. We sat down at the desks, and those 5 minutes were the start of the past coming back. Things were like they used to be! Before the fight. Before the murder. Before Mattheo Riddle.

All because of a Murder (Mattheo Riddle+ Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now