Aff and Ell, The Gemini Twins Pt. 1

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I was bored so I decided to go down to the kitchens. Being bored makes me hungry okay? Anyways when I got there I was caught by one of the cooks for trying to steal food so that brings me where I am now. I'm in the middle of a forest looking for fruit and glowing mushrooms.

I didn't know any of their names but I could identify them by their voices. "Found a bundle of three over here!" A gruff voice called excitedly. I would've much rather be greeting Ranboo's friend Chuck by the End but here I was. I wasn't concentrating very hard by something caught my eye.

It definitely wasn't a glowing mushroom but more of a shiny fruit, like silver. "Hey, what's this?" I called. No response. Although it was weird I decided to check it on my own.

I discovered it wasn't a fruit but a silver rose. "Hey, the venom rose's blooming season started," I called to the cooks. Even seeing one in bloom was rare, but if you were lucky enough you could pick it and it would stay perfect until the next blooming season.

I reached out to it. The petals were soft and delicate. I looked around and saw that it was the only one currently in bloom. I remembered that Bad and Hannah always talked about them so I decided to bring it back and give it to them to replant.

The second I got it off I felt a giant wave of nausea. I stumbled back and grabbed my head with the hand that wasn't holding the rose. I knew I didn't prick my finger cause I didn't feel or see anything. I fell to the ground and only saw a pair of unfamiliar boots before I passed out.

I don't know how long I was out but when I woke up I was back in the palace in my room with the rose in a vase of water.

Bad was passed out on the edge of the bed and I shook him awake. "What the hell happened to me?" I asked once he woke up.

"No clue. They just brought you back passed out with the rose. Do you feel alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine. But damn, I've never felt that nauseous in my entire life," I said although I was surprised that the familiar 'Language' didn't come after what I said.

"I think you pricked your finger on the rose thorns. Why were you trying to get a venom rose anyway?" He asked.

"You know why. You and Hannah are always talking about getting one so I wanted to bring it back to you," I said rolling my eyes.

"I guess you're right. Anyway, Chuck and Ranboo arrived earlier, he wanted to meet you down in the enchantment room," Bad told me.

"Alright. Are you going to come with me or are you sparing with SapNap today, I have no clue how long I was out " I admitted.

"Oh, yes we are, and it's Friday," Bad said getting up and helping Mr to my feet.

"Wait, which one is it?" I asked. Bad and SapNap only spared on Tuesday and Thursday.

"Which is what?" Bad asked confused.

"Is it Friday or are you two sparing?" I asked.

"Both, why would I lie about that?" Bad said even more confused.

"Oh, my bad, I forgot what day you two normally sapr. I'm going to go to the enchantment room now," I said rushing out of the room and to the left as always to get to the west wing.

There was something weird going on. First Bad doesn't yell at me for swearing and then he said he was going to spar with SapNap on a Friday, and both of those things were rare, for them to happen so close to each other right after I woke up couldn't have been a coincidence.

I somehow got lost and ran into Dream, who was on patrol. "Aren't you supposed to be in the West wing with Ranboo?" He asked me.

"I am in the West wing. I just can't seem to find the enchantment room " I said.

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