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Monday came quicker than I had expected and for once, I wasn't exactly enthused to see Jenny. Over the course of last week, Jenny had decided her new toy would be Justin, the tall beautiful guy who she had left the party with. Justin was also the guy who had kicked her out the morning after and left her to walk for five hours to get to the next four cities over where she ended up at school in the middle of the day, hung-over. Great guy.

For the rest of the week, she had blocked me out so that she wouldn't make Justin jealous. At first, I was okay with her stupid request, but after a couple days, I got to see the guy and how he treated her. Naturally, I wasn't in the least bit okay with it.

This particular Monday morning's lunch in the crowded cafeteria was different. Something wasn't exactly right. I sat there and looked around to try and figure it out. When my eyes drifted over to where Jenny had moved, it was easy to notice her absence. I looked around quickly, to try and see if she had maybe moved, but she was definitely not here.

I had no clue what I was doing, but at the same time, I knew exactly what I had to do. It was like my brain had switched to auto and I no longer had control over my limbs. I stood quickly and turned to the door, prepared to charge my way to the hallways on a search for Jenny. I had several ideas of where she might be, but with Jenny, you could never know for sure.

As I took one large step closer to the door, it swung open and Justin strolled in with a short blond girl attached to his side. Only problem was that it wasn't Jenny. This girl was stubbier and her eyes were a completely different shape. Her hair and clothes were slightly tousled and she had a small grin on her lips. It was easy to calculate what was going on.

I realized then how long I had stood there and how much I had been gaping. I quickly sat down again and collected my incoherent thoughts.

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