Part 2

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The ride to the venue is pretty quite as usual he was focused and maintaining a usual poker face. And you didn't dare to utter a word. After 20 minutes of the quite ride he pulled the brakes infront of the venue. And went out from the car. You opened the door and about to leave the car but you movements stopped as soon as you saw more then 20-25 mens standing in black suits while holding guns. Taehyung is walking until he realised you are not behind him. He went back to the car and open the door. And raised his eyebrow while looking at you. You smiled nervously and started playing with your knuckles.
Taehyung: What happened?
Y/N: There are alot of mens here.
(You said and Taehyung got the idea that you are getting uncomfortable he put his hand in front of you and signalled you to hold it. Without even a second thought you took his hand and get out from the car. You mouthed him thankyou he nodded and all the mens bowed to both of you. Both of you entered the hall and and everyone started looking at you. Both of you directly went to your parents. Your in-laws and parents are standing right next to eachother. You hugged your mother and father in-law then did same to your mom and Dad.
Y/N: Mom Dad I made something for you.
(You said to Taehyung's parents they chuckled).
Tae's mom: What honey?
Tae's dad: Yes dear show us.
(They said and you handed them the cute box in which you packed cookies. Without even a second thought they opened the box and smiled like how you made them feel so special with just this little effort. Then the ceremony started alot of people were there. And most of them are scary. You are sitting on the couch and Taehyung on the other hand is talking to some people. You were feeling lonely that's why you took your phone and started scrolling. You felt someone presence beside you, you look up and saw Seungmin standing there. He looked at you in a very creepy way you fake smiled.
Seungmin: Hey Y/N.
Y/N: Hi
Seungmin: You are looking gorgeous.
Y/N: Thankyou.
Seungmin: You kno--
He was about to say something but Taehyung came to you guys and started speaking.
Taehyung: What you guys are talking about?
Seungmin: Nothing much.
Taehyung: Okay.
Y/N: Taehyung I want to use the washroom I'll be right back.
Taehyung: Sure.
(You said and went to the washroom. You  went inside the washroom and came outside and looked in the mirror and sighed).
Y/N: I think I am just overthinking, may be he is not that kind of a person.
......:  Exactly baby I am worst then your imagination.
(You hear and started shouting as you saw Seungmin is standing behind  you. When you start shouting he put his hand on your mouth).
Seungmin: Shhhh don't shout baby what if Taehyung comes here. I have to shoot him then. Just let me do what I am suppose to I won't harm you.
(He said and his hand is on you mouth and he is sniffing your neck. You are feeling disgusted. You bite is hand and tried to escape from there you are about to open the door but he pulled you back).
Seungmin: I told you I won't harm you but I think you want me to make it tough for you.
Y/N: Please let me go.
(You said and tears are continuously streaming from your eyes. You are continuously moving in order to get out from his arms. He slapped you and took the chain of you dress and open it and about to remove your dress until the door banged and you saw Taehyung standing there. After watching Taehyung he let go of you and you were completely freezed on your position).
Seungmin: Taehyung she is the one who brought me here.
TaehyungOhh really?
Seungmin: Yeah Taehyung she is not a right girl.
(Taehyung was moving forward and Seungmin was going backward).
Seungmin: Taehyung trust me she is a Slu-.
(Without even a second thought Taehyung pulled the trigger and shoot him. After shooting him he looked at you and your state was miserable. He bent to your level and saw that opened zip of your dress. You are not crying you are completely freezed  it's just too much for you to process. Since your childhood you are protected as a flower petal this is your first time being assaulted).
Taehyung: Are you okay?
(He asked but you didn't replied he know you never experienced this kind of action. He was hesitating but put his hand on your cheek you looked at him. And you burst out crying and hugged him).
Y/N: Taehyung he was not a nice person he was trying to ----.
  ( You are not able to speak and he knows that he tried to calm you down. But he was hesitating to hug you back. But he did and it do calm you down).
Taehyung: He is no more don't worry.
(He said while patting your back. And you are just crying your heart out in his embrace).
Y/N: I want to go home.
( You said he nodded and and help you in standing up and turned you around and zip that dress you yours. He removed his coat and put it on your shoulder and helping you to walk. You reached the hall and your and Taehyung parents came to you guys and Taehyung told them want happened and signalled his secratary to go the washroom and do something with Seungmin's body).
At home:
Both of you get back home and . You are in the living  room and still processing what happened just few hours ago. And the way Taehyung saved you on time. You want to thank him but that time you are not in the right state of mind. So you  want to thank him now.
You went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and put ice creams in two bowls. And headed to you shared  bedroom with two bowls your hands. You knocked the door and get in he look at you and frowned.
Y/N: Ice cream?
Taehyung: Hmm.
(He came towards you and took the tray from your hands and put it on the table. And sat on the couch and signalled you to do the same. You did and both of you took your bowls and started digging).
Taehyung: Are you okay now?
Y/N: Yeah.
Taehyung: I am sorry.
Y/N: Why are you saying sorry?
Taehyung: You have to go through this.
Y/N: You are not responsible for this and Thankyou so much.
Taehyung: Thankyou why?
Y/N:  For saving me.
Taehyung: You don't have to thank me. Now go and take rest and don't take stress about that.
Y/N: I won't don't worry.
(You both were talking untill his phone started ringing you nodded and he took the phone).
OTP: 📱
Taehyung: Hello.
Tzuyu: Heyyyyyyy.
Taehyung: You at this hour?
Tzuyu: Yes, I want to give you a good news.
Taehyung: Good news ?
Tzuyu: Yes I am coming tomorrow so pick me up from the airport.
Taehyung: Tomorrow Okay I will pick you up.
(With that he cutted the call and you looked at him and it's your first time seeing him smiling like that).
Y/N: What happened?
Taehyung: It's just Tzuyu coming back tomorrow.
Y/N: Tzuyu Unnie is back?
Taehyung: Yeah and I have to pick her up tomorrow.
( Taehyung and Tzuyu are in the same college and you are their Junior. That time rumours were everywhere that Taehyung and Tzuyu are dating eachother but they never made an official announcement. The way he smile on Tzuyu's call you thought he still like her).
Y/N: I am feeling sleepy, Good night.
Taehyung: Hmm.
(You went to the bed and close your eyes and you don't know why you are feeling hurt. After few time you felt the other side of the bed is moving as Taehyung also slide under the duvet).
What's gonna happen Idk 😂

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