Part 5

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Both of you landed Tokyo and went to the hotel. Taehyung is in the washroom getting fresh and you already get freshen up and wore your clothes and now scrolling your social media. Suddenly the door bell rang. You got up and opened the door and saw a guy wearing a black mask came with the room service. He bowed to you.
Hotel's boy: Mam room service.
Y/N: Yes come in.
He came inside the room and put the tray aside and started examining the room. He was looking here and there but you coughed and suddenly Taehyung came out from the washroom. As soon as Taehyung came out that guy left the room.
Taehyung: Who's he?
Y/N: Room service.
Taehyung: Wanna go out I have some time.
Y/N: Am I dreaming?
(You said while slapping your cheeks with both of your hand).
Y/N: It's not a dream "THE KIM TAEHYUNG" is asking me for a date.
Taehyung: Who said for a date?
Y/N: Yah I know you are as boring as your name.
Taehyung: But you gave me a nickname.
Y/N: Are you serious? Can I call you Tae from now on?
Taehyung: Idk do whatever you want.
(He said and went inside the closet to change his clothes. And after few minutes came out and both of you headed out. He went to his car his man opened the door for him then for you. He was about to start the engine but you stopped him.
Y/N: Let's walk instead.
Taehyung: Okay.
(He said and get out from the car and and you smiled and started walking with him. You guys were walking and some of his mens were following your from afar. You guys were walking and it's you first time being out with your husband. A cafe caught your eyes it looks pretty old and simple. You hold Taehyung's arm and point your finger towards the cafe.
Taehyung: Wanna go?
Y/N: Can we?
Taehyung: Sure.
(He said and you went inside the cafe and pulled him with you also. You entered the cafe and there was only few people there. It's looks so old as soon as you entered a old women came to you and welcome you. Both of you bowed to that lady and went inside. That lady came to you for taking your order.
Old lady: Both of you reminds me of us.
Y/N: Us?
Old lady: Me and my Husband. When we were young we also roam all around with eachother.
Y/N: So sweet.
Old lady: Then we decided to open this cafe to live closely with each other.
(She said you nodded and suddenly an old man came out and back hugged that old lady).
Old lady: Honey not here kids are watching.
Old man: Hey young man you should also take care of your girl like this.
Taehyung: Sure uncle. Btw both of you are so cute.
(He said and you looked at him and strangely he was smiling. Then after having your order and spending some time with the old couple you leave the cafe and went outside. You guys were roaming on the streets of Tokyo. But suddenly you felt something on your hand you looked down and saw Taehyung holding it and put your hand in his blazer's pocket).
Taehyung: It's so cold you should have wear something warm.
(He said and you smiled on how he is feigning just to hold your hand.
After sometime you guys went back to the hotel and relaxing but suddenly Taehyung's phone starting ringing.
.......: ...................
Taehyung: But how's this happened?
............: .................
Taehyung: Gather everyone, I am coming.
(He was fuming in anger. And instantly wore his clothes).
Taehyung: I have some work stay inside close the door and don't let anybody in till I am back. Not even a single person. I'll be back soon.
(He said and leave the room and you also locked the room).
Taehyung's POV:
I was spending my tims with Y/n because I have still alot of time before my meeting. But suddenly I got a call from my secratary that someone tries to sneak inside my room during I was out. They got that mam but after seeing the CCTV recording we came to know he is exactly the same man who came with the room service. There is no camera inside the room but there is camera on the entrance that's how they caught him. And now I am going to that man.
It's just made me tense that Y/N was alone in the room and the mens were still outside the room but he still enters. It's make me 10 times more angrier. When I reched there the man was tied up in the ropes and surrounded by alot of mens who are holding guns. I went near him and kick him.
Taehyung: What you were doing there?
Man: Your wife is hot.
(He said my anger again raised I took out my gun and directly shoot that man).
Taehyung: What you guys were doing there? How could you let him get inside?
Are you all Dumb?
(All the mens are looking down and Taehyung is yelling. He sighed and started speaking again).
Taehyung: If something happened to Y/N I won't spare you. Increase the security and don't let anything happen to her.
At the hotel room:(still in Tae's POV):
I came back and Y/N was not in the room I called her and I got a reply from the balcony she was standing there while wearing a thin black night gown. Her hair falling on her black looking so angelic.
I went near her and automatically wrapped my hands around her waist. And just inhaling her scent from her exposed collar bone area.
(End of Tae's POV)
You are just thinking about Taehyung while standing in the balcony. And when you heard Taehyung's voice you called him and you felt someone's hand's wrapping around your waist and you know by the touch that he is your husband. He is inhaling your scent from the neck reign and with every second you breath is getting heavier. You felt something weird today. On the other hand Taehyung is also loosing control on himself. He kissed you on the neck and you moaned a little as it was your soft spot. He turned you around and you looked in his eyes and felt an urge to kiss him. But before you he smashed his lips on yours and both of you kissed for the lips. The atmosphere is getting hot after kissing your lips he came to you collar bone reign and started placing wet kisses there. Your breathe is getting hitched and his breath is also getting hitched he unhooked his upper two button and started again kissing and sucking you neck you are a complete moaning mess that time. You are not stopping him. While kissing his hand went to the hook of your dress and about to open it but you pulled back. As soon as you pulled back the realisation hits him.
Taehyung: Y/N I am sorry. I don't know how I did this. I am really very sorry you should go inside I know you are not ready and I can't throw myself on you.
Y/N: Let's not do it here.
Taehyung: What?
Y/N: Let's get inside.
(You said and both of you went inside the room and again started kissing him. You unbuttoned his shirt and again started kissing eachother. He looked at you and you are looking nervous he got worried and get back).
Taehyung: It's okay if you are not ready.
Y/N: It's not like that I am just nervous.
(He cupped your face and looked into your eyes).
Taehyung: Let's not do it it's okay.
Y/N: It's just it's my first time and ----
( He cut your sentence by placing a kiss on your forehead don't worry).
Taehyung: Just tell me to stop if you feel hurt or uncomfortable. And don't be nervous just tell me to stop if you want to I'll be gentle.
(He said and you nodded and he again kiss your forehead. This time it's different the feelings are so genuine you guys can see in eachother eyes the love which you are not able to express by words you can see it in eachother's eyes. And he is also different alot of guys just Fu** but he is making love. The love both of you craving for getting from eachother, the warmth of completion, The feelings are so real for both of you.
In the morning:
He wokeup and looked at your sleeping figure with the sight of admiration. How both of you collided with each other. He hold your hand and started playing with your fingers and put your hair strand behind your ear. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. And he felt you moving and you are about to wake up. You stretched your arms and open your eyes and saw him laying beside you shirtless then you looked under the duvet and saw you have no clothes on the moments of last night hits you and you are blushing so hard like a tomato. He laughed and stand up.
Taehyung: I am going to get freshen up my meeting is today I'll be free before lunch then let's go out.
(He said and went inside the washroom and you are still blushing and love how he just gave you privacy so you won't feel uncomfortable infront of him).
After sometime:
You are all alone in the room Taehyung left for the meeting. You decided to went on the market for buying something for him. You went inside the shop and his mens were waiting outside the store but it's been 1 hr and you are still not back. So they went inside to checkup on you but you are not in the store. They got panicked and started looking for you but you are nowhere to find.
Taehyung's POV:
My meeting is over and now I am heading back to hotel but suddenly my phone started ringing.
......: Your wife is so pretty.
Taehyung: Who the hell are you?
......: Talk to me nicely or else I will chop this pretty wife of your.
Taehyung: Dare to do something with her and I won't hesitate to remove you from this world.
.....: You know what I don't want to talk to you. I am sending you the adress just come there all alone. Let's have a man to man conversation in front of your wife.
(Call ended)
Taehyung: Shittt.
(He said and massage his temples and dialed to his secratary).
Taehyung: Mr. Kang get ready with the mens and I will send you the adress but remember don't do anything without my call.

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