Night Visit

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I groan "I feel like shit" I say as I try to sit up, once I'm upright I hear foot steps walk into the room "yeah, that's what happens when humans drink Apple blood, hmm, be careful kid" I tilt my head at the woman. "my head is killing me, and don't remember anything, what happened?" Eda chuckled "well

you got back last night from dropping the blight off and you looked sick, you grabbed the first thing you saw, which happen to be apple blood and you drank and entire bottle, after that you pasted out on the couch and didn't wake up till, well now" she said. I rub my head "what time is it?" I ask "it's

around lunch time, those friends of yours stopped by I told them you were tired and wanted to sleep" nod "thanks Eda" I said and yawned "I'm going to go upstairs" I stated and walked up the stairs a little dizzy. I open the door I grab my backpack and pull out and Advil to suppress my headache, I sit on the

sleeping bag and shortly after fall asleep, a memory I stuck down deep inside me surfaces I'm 4 or 5 my mother and father are on the couch, I run into the room with a huge smile on my face holing the turtle I got for Christmas, "Look, Mama, look papa I make sprinkles into a flying turtle" said showing them the

wings I made and taped on the turtle, they both laugh "that is so cute sweetie" my mom says and kisses my forehead, she walks out of the room. "Luz?" my dad says getting my attention "yes?" I ask he smiles "I love you" he says I smile "do you love sprinkles too?" I asked he smiled "I love sprinkles too", I

stare at the wall awoken from my nap, holing in my tears I put on my emotional mask and stand up from the ground, I slip my cracked phone in my pocket and fix my messed up hair placing my red beanie on top. I walk downstairs seeing Eda and King asleep on the couch, I smile slightly and walk

outside into the cold night air, its like four a.m. so i decide to stay close to the house for now. I sigh as I walk around to the side of the house while looking at the sky, I get pushed against the wall with a knife to my throat "where's my stuff" Shark says pushing the knife closer to my throat, I gulp "I-I'll get

it" I say he smirks clearly because he can tell I'm scared. "good, you have a week if not it will be more than a cut you get" he say placing a small cut on my neck, and getting off me disappearing into the night. I touch my neck and pull it away seeing a small amount of blood, I glare into the night and walk

back to the porch. I jump when I see a figure "hello Luz" said Hooty I clutch my chest "you scared me Hooty" I say he shrugs, "I scare a lot of people, so what are you doing out this early in the morning?" I sigh and sit next to him on the porch. "Not much, I woke up from a nap and couldn't go back to sleep"

I say he smiles "that doesn't explain the cut on your neck" I quickly place my hand over the cut "soo you saw what happened?" he nodded I place my head in my hands "are you going to tell Eda?" he chuckles "no I'm not, but I do think you should tell her soon" he says. we both look out at the woods

the dark trees looming over everything, "Luz a word of advise" I look over at the old man he smiled "enjoy life, you don't know when it might end, also be careful Eda would hate herself if something happened to you" he stood up and stretched. I shook his head and looked at me "oh Hi Luz how long

have I been out here?" I tilt my head "you don't remember coming out here?" He shakes his head "well, I'm going to hit the hay goodnight Luz" he walked very slowly back inside and shut the door. I look back out at the night, I might not tell Eda but I do know someone I can trust hopefully.....

words:748 10/?/2021

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