Secrets and Lies

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It has been decided I should stay in the boiling isles for the rest of the semester, which entails me actually having to learn something even though I cant do flipping magic. I heard from Amity Hunter is a powerless witch so much to my dismay have to see him after school until then I must suffer, I walk to

my locker already half an hour late to class. I sigh as I pull out my books, I walk into class causing the teacher to roll there eyes but continue to teach. I sit next to Willow and listen as much as I can before i start to zone out, class finally ended and me and willow head to lunch. "Luz, Willow!" we heard

a voice say me and willow turn around as my Bi panic kicks in, Amity ran towards us in black jeans combat boots and a very short pink crop top, her hair was in a ponytail but that isn't what caught my eye. "you dyed your hair" I say slightly surprised it's a light lavender color, "oh yeah, decided its time

for a change" she said. "I-I like it" I say cursing myself for stuttering, we make it outside to lunch. Gus was out with his dad for the day so it was just us, we talk about the other day me stuttering when i look at Amity come on Luz act cool we end up splitting up because Amity's mom starts having a hissy

fit over the scroll with Amity, I wave bye to them both and walk to the café i met hunter in yesterday. to my surprise it was packed full of witches I sneak up the stairs till i reach the door, I knock before entering "Hello?" I question I look around the dust covered room cobwebs in the corners and old

broken furnisher I was in here yesterday granted, but i didn't really look around. I look at the back with the old piece of furnisher still in tacked, laid two boys one happened to be hunter the other was one of the blight twins I think is named Edric, I smirk and decide to take a picture. I do so then walk over to

the sleeping couple this could be fun, 3 2 1 "wake up sleep heads!!!!!" I yell both boys jump and i start to laugh. "Human what the fuck was that for?" Hunter asked. I smile "because i love annoying people" I say smugly, Hunter stands up and whispers to Edric I roll my eyes and wait for Edric to leave. after the

door shuts behind him I look at Hunter, "your a powerless witch, how do you do magic?" I ask he rolls his eyes "if i show you will you leave?" I nod, he sighs a 'fine'. an hour goes by so far I've learned a light glyph and the beginnings of an Ice glyph, "Ok and then tap the center" Hunter says I'm surprised

he agreed to all this is the first place. "well have to go, but we can meet tomorrow to learn the other two ok?" I nod "you know hunter your not to bad" I say he looks at me fake offended, "I'll have you know I am a very much a bad boy" he says I laugh "a bad but sad boy that is" he groans "get out" he

says I put my hands up in defense and start to walk out the door, "bye hunter see you tomorrow" I say and head outside. I make it back to the hideout and walk in all the lights were off, I decide to do my light spell. I tap the center and the whole room illuminates, I look around and see Willow and Boscha

starring at me thankfully their fully clothed, "care to explain?" I ask Willow looks at the ground. "Human" Boscha mumbles I roll my eyes "I'm not fond of you either, get out bitch" I say calmly she rolls her eyes and walks out blowing Willow a kiss. I turn my attention back to willow, "Explain

because this isn't the first time I've caught you with Boscha" I say she looks at me surprised "wait when?" she asks I give her a stare "you first" I spit. she sighs "fine, me and Boscha have a deal but to

understand why I have to tell you the story" I nod and sit across from her "It was a year ago, me a Boscha had been dating...."

(Willows POV)

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