A Broken Girl

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I was five when it happened. I was sitting on the stairwell listening to there fight they had every night my ears hurt from all the yelling I was sick of it but what could a five year old like me do. fast forward a few years I'm eight I'm sitting in my room reading like usually when I hear a plate shatter. I drop my
book and run to the stair well there I see my drunk father standing over my mother. I have had enough I run down the stairs and get between him and my

mother. "leave now!" I yell tears breaching my eyes he looks shocked and scoffed, I never stood up to him no matter how many times he tried to hit me or my mother. I give him my death glare "I said Now!!!" I shout again. he throws down the bottle and walks out the door, that was the last time I saw him my heart was broken I saw how messed up the world really is and it made me pissed. that was ten years ago I'm eighteen now and living a life not the life I

want but a life I can deal with. I work two jobs to help my mom till she gets her nursing degree I ride my bike to a crappy ass school everyday and back I don't take shit lightly, I drive through the rich neighbored hoods putting up my middle finger at those who take there money for granted. my mother is working hard and I love her to death for that but beside her I don't real trust anyone else. all my friends betrayed me a few years ago I'm known as a loner

of sorts, I'm also known as 'snake girl' and 'shit face' as well as 'killer' and 'a bitch' so I hurt a few people that did me wrong so what. I cant stand this town as soon as I earn enough money me and my mom are leaving this stupid town, I ride into my garage locking it behind me. I park my bike and walk into the house my mom must still be at school. I grab a coke from the fridge and gulp it down. I wipe my mouth with the sleeve of my flannel and plop on the

couch, I pull up Instagram I see pictures of fake people doing fake shit I roll my eyes and decide to walk outside. I sit on the steps of the house looking out at my crappy street it has gone down hill in the past few years. the McDonalds used to be a fun hang out spot now its broken windows, just thugs and drug addicts go there. on the other end of the street is an old house a murder was committed a few years ago they caught the person but people say that place is

still hunted. I use to be a peppy kid I use to love talking to people, laughing ,smiling. I talk to no one but my mom, that laughing was replaced with cursing and the smiling doesn't show anymore. I see my mom's car drive up I wave she smiles and waves back. she comes up and gives me a kiss on the cheek "Luz your never going to believe what happened I got my certificate" I nod "that's great mom" I say and walk inside. we eat leftovers for dinner I say I'm

going to bed when in reality I'm going to jump out my window and walk around. as I walk the streets I see old house that have been abandon a few lost pets sighs and a weird figure in the ally I look over and see the figure pull down there hood they have white and gray hair my eyes are blinded by a gold
tooth. the figure starts to run the smart thing would be just to leave them be, the Luz thing to do is follow them. I chase them down the ally way down 5th

street into a weird old house. the person looks at me and smirks they click a button on what looks like a key a portal appears. don't do something stupid Luz says the annoying voice guess what? I don't listen I follow the person through the portal I land on a wood floor. "well kid I didn't think you had the guts to follow me the person said" I roll my eyes and dust myself off. I look around and see I'm in a very weird house the walls had a gaint wanted poster as well

as a bunch of small ones the other end had a small fire place and a red couch. "where am I?" I ask confused the person takes there hood off "so do you just jump into random portals, kid?" she questions i roll my eyes "can yuo answer my question?" i say she scoffs "Kid, this is the owl house" I still give her a confused look. "ok? and who are you?" the lady smirks "I'm Eda the owl Lady" she says "so you have a horde of owls?" the lady face palms herself "no kid

this is magic and shit your slow" I place my hand on my chest offended "I might be but you don't have to state it" I say I hear a small voice pop up from behind me "mom whos this?" a small child wearing a skeleton helmet walks into the room, I back away I don't do children. "king this is wait whats your name?" Eda says I take a breath "I'm Luz" I say the kid runs over to Eda "I don't trust her" he says I crotch down to his level "I don't know if you should

either" I say and stand back up "so how do I get back?" I say Eda chuckled "your funny you didn't think before you entered my portal" I roll my eyes "I have a tendency to do that" I say remembering when I punched a kid and got suspended for a week. "well kid I'm leaving again tomorrow morning so you have a day that you have to wait to go back" I look at her shocked "my mom is going to flip if she doesn't find me in my room" Eda smirks "well you wont have to

worry about that days and nights are switched here its night where you are its early morning here" she says I look at her confused she points to the window. I look out and see the sun up. I smirk this could be fun I think. Eda grabs my wrist with a tight grip "now human don't go doing anything stupid" she says and drops my wrist. I roll my eyes "why did you call me human?" she laughs "oh yeah because I'm a witch" she says and pulls back her hair

showing her pointy ears. "speaking of ears you should probably cover yours with that red beanie of yours" I do as she says "now i'm not going to stop you from doing anything but just so you know the boiling isles is dangerous more than earth so here" she hands me a red bat "for protection purposes only" I nod "thanks Eda I just have one question why are you helping me?" she smiled "because your not the only human to follow me through that portal I

promised them that I would see them again even if It took a life time still haven't see her but you remind me a lot like her" I shrug "well I want to see what this world has in store I'll be back in a few hours" I say and walk out the door. "she reminds me of Camilla" says king Eda nods "yep she does" I walk through the woods looking for anything to do I hear noise come from behind a bush I hid and watch two boys surrounded a girl with green hair "give up b

blight you have no where to run" says the boy holding a ball of fire the girl backs up till she fall to the ground "leave me alone, shark" she says "whats a powerless witch like you going to do?" I cant let them hurt someone "hey Shit heads get a load of this" I jump forward bashing one of them in the head causing them to fall to the ground "you want me to do the same to you?" I ask they shake there heads and run. the boy on the floor quickly joins them.

"yeah better run Assholes" I say spiting on the ground I roll my eyes and walk over to the green haired witch "need some help" I say with a smirk sticking out my hand she rolls her eyes and accepts my hand "you know I didn't need your help I was doing just fine on my own" I laugh "yeah right, name's Luz whats yours?" she dusts her skirt off "Amity, Amity Blight" I smile a friendly smile "nice to meet you Amity".....

words1529 [edited 1/9/2022]

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