Queen Elizabeth

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Imagine being Elizabeth's favourite and sacrificing your life for hers in an assassination attempt

You were sprawled across the bed, your head resting lightly on the Queen's lap, singing a light tune as she ran her hands through your (h/c) hair. Your eyes were closed, your head tilted back in sheer bliss. Her hands were heavenly. Just like you. Or at least Elizabeth thought so as you looked up at her your (e/c) eyes fluttering, shining like diamonds. Your cheekbones were high, your jawline sharp and a natural highlight practically blinding the lovestruck Queen. "Beautiful" she murmured looking down at you and was rewarded with a stunning smile. "So are you" you whispered pulling her head down by the nape of her neck to viciously entwine their lips. You pulled away resting your heads against each others. "I love you, darling" you heard sending shivers through you. "I love you to my Queen". This time it was her turn to pull you into a kiss. Not as vicious but just as passionate and loving. You flipped over, one hand trailing up to cup her face. You pulled yourself on to your knees pushing her down against the pillows so she was in a half reclining position. You straddled her, one hand reaching back to grab her hair and the other unlacing her silky corset. "Your absolutely gorgeous beneath me" you spoke, your smooth voice sent shivers down her spine "Already so sensitive-" you ran a hand steadily along the lace of her undergarments, ignoring her whines of need "Already so prepared -". With one violent thrust , your fingers had entered the Queen's tight hole, stretching, exploring. Your thumb went up rubbing her clit eliciting a needy moan and a whimper when your fingers brushed against her swollen love spot. "Glorious before me. Absolutely mad with lust". You looked at her beet red face before kissing a trail down her neck. You were rushed for time you knew. Church was coming and you both were needed, as the Queen's consort and all. Your lips moved down to pepper loving bites to all areas of her pale skin. Your mouth was working furiously as you placed a gentle open mouthed kiss to her inner thigh. Then you moved up. Your tongue swirled around her entrance, her nose nudging her clit. "Cum" you hissed sending vibrations through her lips causing a light squeal "Come for your master". And so she did. Her orgasmic moans filled the room.

You walked slightly behind the Queen your consort status placing you infront of all the others. Your pale white dress accentuating your curves and almost sending the Queen into overdrive. Whilst she had a crown and elaborate head piece, you had a diamond tiara, a gift from your lover when you first started courting. You entered the church right after the Queen, an adoring look still on your face from the careful way she handled the babe.

You were at the alter, hands clasped together when he came running in. "Elizabeth" you heard screaming form behind you and your head shot around aghast. She still hadn't turned. "WHORE". Now you were angry. You watched as she stood her hands shaking as she turned and presented herself subtly covering you from sight. It was like the world was in slow motion as the man pulled the trigger, Elizabeth shaking in fear. It was the adrenaline talking you were sure of it and when you shot forward to take the blow, nobody expected it. You moved fast sliding infront if your lover. You pivoted on your foot, acting as a human shield. The burn took your breath away. Your face contorted in agony as the bullet embedded itself in your stomach. You could hear the guards rushing in. The angry screeches of the assassin. Your vision blurred slightly, black spots floating into her peripherals. You looked at her angelic face. Zoomed in on the blue orbs. Her perfect pale skin. "I love you" you said as quiet as breathing before you fell collapsing against her. She dropped with you, falling to her knees and cradling your head in her lap. Her hands frantically reached for yours. Yours that rested on a rapidly spreading stain. Blood.

The Queen was sobbing as she called for a doctor. Her lips repeatedly kissed your head promising that it was going to be okay. You drifted in and out of consciousness just basking in the lack of pain. "Y/N darling please don't leave me. My darling please don't leave me". A single tear fell down your cheek. "I'm - so - sorry " you gasped pain clouding your judgment "I- love - you - so -much". Your voice was ragged clouded in agony. A howl left her lips as you spoke. You looked up, locking eyes with a distressed Walsingham. You beckoned him over feebly, glad when he sat beside you. "Look - after - her - for - me" your eyes locked on his pained ones "Promise - me". He just nodded, leaning down to press his forehead against yours. You could feel the wet on his face and you chuckled hoarsely. "I've - never - you - never - cry - Francis". You could feel the life fading from you. Your eyes flickered back up to your lovers tear stained face. "I loved - you since - I first - saw - you. Do -you remember - my - love?". She nodded. "You were so bold. My new favourite. You ensared me without trying. You were beautiful, stunning even. The perfect match for a Queen". Your breath halted as your eyes slowly began to shut. "Goodbye - my - Queen". Your chest slowed. Everyone waited with bated breath. And then it stopped. She shook you. "No. Y/N. Y/N wake up please" she let out a hysterical cry. "NO NO NO PLEASE. OH GOD NO". Walsingham grabbed her from behind pulling her into his chest holding her close, tears running down his own face. "Y/N... Y/N". She struggled in his arms. "THAT'S MY CONSORT. THAT'S MY FUTURE WIFE. YOUR FUTURE QUEEN". She landed punches in his chest that eventually slowed as her yells became broken sobs. She curled tight into his chest as he ran a hand along her back soothingly. She looked over at your form, lying still, quiet. A scream tore from her throat. "Y/N".
You were dead and she broken.
The Virgin Queen never married, never let herself get close and died after many wonderful years of rules.

She awoke in a brilliantly white room to see her body looking the same as it had many years ago.

"Hello my Queen".

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