Match up #1

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This is for Ana10293849
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This is for Ana10293849Thank you so much for your request

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●I think that you would pair well with Elizabeth ● I would say she's fairly extroverted herself around her close court but infront of the world she would appear rather calm and collected●She is not very good at holding in strong emotions so you co...

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●I think that you would pair well with Elizabeth
● I would say she's fairly extroverted herself around her close court but infront of the world she would appear rather calm and collected
●She is not very good at holding in strong emotions so you could help her with that
●The good thing is, is that although she is the Queen I feel like she would love to shop. She loves her fine dresses and luxury items so I feel like you two could do that together.
●Also she loves to read and escape this world through books. You could read together
●Remember she's also Queen so she could take you to any fancy place you wished
●Elizabeth is the sort to give silent comfort. A gentle pat on the thigh in public or a squeeze of the hand but in private she would hold your close and sit with you for hours until you felt better. She would love to be held in your arms or vise versa and she would be content just to be in your presence for hours upon hours.
●Being the Queen means that there is always the chance of you feeling unsafe however Elizabeth will do everything in her power to make sure that you feel comfortable anywhere you go. She will always be a safes place for you and she will love you unconditionally.

Hope you enjoyed bae <3
Pm me for your own

Hope you enjoyed bae <3Pm me for your own

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