The two forces stand apart from each other, not just in stance but in culture. A Galactic Republic fighting a civil war while a militaristic Federation fights for they're right to live. A cadre of senators, jedi, guards, and the chancellor himself stand ready to greet these newcomers into the galaxy. Regardless whether they seem "primitive" or not. On the other hand, Scott and Dostya ready themselves for the mobile infantry's worst job... talking."Greetings, I am Colonel Scott Clarke of the United Citizen Federation and this is my second-in-command Psi Operative Ivana Dostya." Scott admits a greeting while gesturing himself and Dostya in the process. "We were offered an alliance from General Kenobi after an unfortunate "incident" regarding another rogue general. He suggested that an alliance should be formed to the benefit of both parties. Our desire to return home and your's to end this galactic war."
One doesn't need to be a Jedi... or Sith to see Anakin beaming with anger at the surprise of being called a "rogue" general. This was clearly beyond frustration as he knew he was called out for attacking first and thus securing an initial negotiating stance for this Federation. Before he could retaliate a response, Obi-wan placed a hand on his shoulder while Chancellor Palpatine greeted in kind. "I'm honored to greet this new federation to the galactic stage, especially after hearing the possibility of being from outside the galaxy. Though I deeply regret the actions one of our generals attacked first and hope this doesn't eliminate the possibility of the negotiation process." "As long as we aren't shot at again, things should go smoothly." Clarke remarks his initial strong negotiating power gained not even by his own forces.
Hope. Even the thought, feeling, and mention of the word made Palpatine sick to his stomach. How much he longs to be done with this charade and finally rule the galaxy as a Sith Lord once more, but he's content to wait a bit longer for it. This new Federation shows the strength and capability to possibly bring it to fruition maybe closer than otherwise might have been. While their technology is primitive by the Republic's standards, knowing their skill in war will prove useful in augmenting his own forces when the time comes to execute the plan.
Dostya on the other hand sensed manipulation from the chancellor. Not just as a politician but as a covert agent as well. The sense that gave off like a ripple effect of a rock hitting the water. She wasn't sure what it was yet, but she notified Scott of this current discovery to be on guard during this negotiation.
The negotiation committee comprising of some initial senators, the jedi, chancellor, and UCF fleet commanders were about to enter the senate building until an issue came to mind. Clarke looks back to his escort. "Squads echo and bravo maintain LZ security and don't harass the locals. Blackguard on us, maintain hearts and minds best you can." The jedi look toward Clarke and Dostya, a specific jedi anyways. "The additional security is unnecessary, the jedi have a reputation for keeping the peace and won't allow harm to come to either party." Mace Windu being the one to negotiate a less confrontational escort. "Also Windu, it was a Jedi that attacked us first. Whether with permission or not. Most likely the latter given his insubordination, we'll be keeping our "confrontational escort" as a precaution to keeping the peace. I'm sure you understand too." The immediate response to his question was directed not only to Skywalker but toward the rest of the jedi as well. The possibility that Skywalker might attack them again as well was what concerned Master Windu. Whether out of instinct or will was anyone's guess.
"Very well. We will stay still to ensure no one attempts anything nonetheless. If you'll accept our help with your guard." Windu says attempting a compromise. "Clarke looks back to his escort then to Windu. "The offer is accepted and appreciated." Windu simply nods his appreciation.
The group walks through the halls of the senate building catching glances from various senators and other third parties. Details are discussed and the offer is made to present their history via hologram to the entire senate to which Clarke accepts. An opportunity to present UCF media to the whole of the Republic and maybe win more than simple support from those who desire change. The group disperses toward separate pods and Clarke readies his transmission to the whole of the Republic. A message designed to convince planets to cry out for aid, security, and change in these hostile times.
A Good Day To Die
FanfictionColonel Scott Clarke leads the 303rd Battalion of the Mobile Infantry. He's famous for leading combined-arms attacks throughout the Second Bug War and fought alongside the now General Rico. A solar flare disrupts Clarke's warp jump and misaligns his...