Chapter Nine: A Little Time To Think. . . Sort Of

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Wow, look at that, only took me. . .. . Um. . . We'll just say a long time to update, ya know nothing to extravagant I guess. . . Yeah, sorry, not having internet makes things ten times harder to do and my days are getting a little hectic at times, hehe. Don't worry, I'm still working on the story when I can, just going really slowly now.

Anywhosle, hope you enjoy (vote and comment if ya want) and have a wonderful day or whatever time it is for you.

(Sorry if the chapter is a little weird near the beginning in anyway)

.........       _~^~_ .......     ..._~^~_...     ......        _~^~_      .........

So much had happened, so much had been done, a fight, a knockout, Spamton running into Kris-who wasn't acting like their usual self-Fona waking up in a strange fog filled place and meeting a strange being that was trying to make her remember her past. . . It was all so much.

They needed a break.

Yet how, in the midst of all this insanity, would they get a break, get time to just. . .

Be friends.

Neither really knew, but they had to come up with something.

The first thing they did was get out of the rancid-smelling garbage heap.

The second was to head to the city.

A thick, cold fog lay over the streets of Cyber City, it's normal commotion had gone silent, it sent shivers down one's spine

They walked on, passing blinking sign lights, cars that had crashed into walls, or just simply left sitting in the street.

The most worrisome of the scene was the frozen statues that littered parts of the road, Cyber City citizens frozen in horror and pain.

As they-now cautiously- continued on, they found themselves in places they recognized such as the restaurant they had stolen the bread from. Fona stepped inside, looking at Spamton, who was staring at the entrance like it was a mystery. Fona raised a brow at him.

"Doing alright over there?"

"I'M DOING [splended] NEVER BEEN MORE [willing to live]"

Fona smiled, it was really only then she realized the bandages she had around her arms and Spamton's leg.

A voice whispered in her ear 'your fault'

She shook it off, not wanting to brew over it.

Fona stepped further into the restaurant, looking at empty tables and fallen chairs. The place had been evacuated quickly, then again, she knew she wouldn't be dilly-dallying if whatever froze the monsters outside was coming nearer.

She wandered to the back room, she saw a large metal pot sitting over cold coals.

She crept closer, gently lifted the lid and steam burst forth. The lid dropped from her grasp, clattering to the floor as the hot steam touched her bandaged arm and surprised her.

She held her hand over her heart, attempting to calm herself.

Fona here footsteps approach as well as, "ARE YOU ALRIGHT [mud] I MEAN FONA'' just before Spamton's head popped up from around the corner, his uncovered eyes filled with worry.

"I'm f-fine, just" she gestured to the pot, steam still spilling out. Her hand then turned to the lid on the ground. "The steam startled me and I ended up dropping the lid"

Spamton's worried look drained away as he gave a nod and stepped into the room.

Fona found herself staring at Spamton, he looked. . . odd? Stange? Maybe there was a better word for it, but she didn't know, all she knew was that without his two different colored glasses, he looked very different. His eyes actually had some color, though it was slight and hard to see.

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