Graveyard Risin'

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"We need To Go After her!" Toona Fish shouts to Chimpanski as he stands Cluelessly. "THAT EVIL QUEEN HAS MY BEST FRIEND AND I WONT LET HER TAKE HER AWAY!" He Shouts, Grabbing His Pipe From an Old Gas station and Holding it in a Poised Position. "WE GOTTA GO, COME ON!" Toona Fish shouts as he Runs Towards The Newly Generated Location Before Being Stopped by a Strange Being That Flew out of the Ground. "Ahem.. Sir.. I believe you are Trying to Access The Convergence, Am I correct?" The Strange Being says with a Clipboard and a Pencil in his Hands. "Y-Yeah, And what are you gonna do About it?" Toona Fish says As Chimpanski Cringes at His Stupidity. The Being Takes out a Strange Scythe and Says "I'm afraid you can't Pass, Now Scram Mortals." He says As Fiends Start to Appear around the Being. "You Think Fiends are a Problem? Well I Hunt Demons Bitch!" Charlotte says as She Pulls out her Sword and Pokes the Person in the Chest with it. "Haha. Very funny" He says Before Taking out Two Strange Sword looking Weapons with Pink Rift Energy inside. "That's Still no Match for Us." Charlotte Says, Trying To Stab him. "If you Insist" He Says, As Waves Of Geometrik Appear around them and the Being Disappears. "Oh Shit, We Gotta get to The Centre, NOW!" Toona Fish shouts Before Running And the Others Follow. "These Aren't Fiends, They're Like.. People!.. But cubes!" Chimpanski Shouts after killing one of them. "Yeah, Maybe Torin Knew about these" Toona Fish says Before Getting Tackled to the Ground by one of them. "GET OFFA MY FRIEND!" Chimpanski Shouts as He Punches the Geometrik in the Head, Killing it. "JUST RUN!" Toona Fish shouts Before Chimpanski And Charlotte Run Towards the Centre and See The Queen in an Orb Above The Convergence, With Lightning That Forms the Terrain around them. "CHARLOTTE!" Chimpanski Shouts as He Watches Her get overrun by Geometriks. He climbs up the Stairs and Jump Across Pits to Escape the Geometriks, But also To get closer to The Queen. "How do I get Up to her??" Chimpanski Says While looking around for something he could use. He begins to Use Shards of Cube From the Dead Geometriks Around him to Build up to the Queen. He Finally Reaches Her and Pokes the Sphere around her, Knocking Him To Primal Pond. A Small Rift Butterfly Flies Towards Her, Knowing How Much Power she Holds, Before getting Crushed in her Hands, And crumbling into the Cubes. "Leave Nothing Behind.." She says As Fiends and Geometriks Spawn below her, And Start walking Towards the Nearest Locations.

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