Continuing preparation

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2 hours remain

Torin, Toona Fish and Jones are all heading back to the weather station to help Chimpanski and the others finish the B.R.U.T.E. Construction, after finding a car of course. They finally reach the weather station, and hop out of the car to get inside. They enter the elevator, they stand in silence as it descends.
"I can't believe we're going to... well, it's been a great adventure so far" Jones says, before the elevator stops and they see the B.R.U.T.E. Almost finished.
"Looks great! And sturdy!" Torin says as she walks out of the elevator and gives Chimpanski a fist bump.
"We only need to add an extra layer of armour to the Mech, then it'll be finished!" He says happily, before Meowscles groans loudly from behind them.
"AAAGGGHHH THERES STILL MORE TO BE DONE" Chimpanski looks over at him, before walking over and smacking him on the back of the head.
"THERE'LL BE MORE IF YOU DONT FIX FASTER!" He says, which confuses Torin.
"F-Fix?" She asks, before Chimpanski looks over at her.
"Yes, I stole these from the scientist, they were scraps" He says before

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