Taken Town.

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The Three Enter Lazy Lake as a Fleet of Geometriks and Cube Monsters charge into The Town. "I think we got here at the Wrong time" Torin says as Jones Crouches Behind a Rock and Takes the Rift Device out of his Pocket. "I'll use this as a Distraction, I'll throw it and Y'all will Go to The Car Dealership and Get us a Truck, alright?" Jones Says, looking back at them. "Alright Jones, We'll Do it!" Torin says Happily. Jones Throws the Empty Rift Device Towards The Gas station, Which attracts the Entire Horde Towards it. Torin and Chimpanski Run Off of the Hill and Slide Down it, And Vault over the Wall and Run Towards The Car Dealership. The Two Pull Open the Truck doors Vigorously and Get Inside, Starting it up and Driving Back to Jones. "AAAHHHH CHIMPANSKI YOU CANT DRIIIVEEE" Torin Screams as Chimpanski Drifts Through Lazy, Before Heading through the Hole he made in the Barrier and Up the Hill. "JONES GET IN!!" Torin shouts to Jones before he Jumps onto the Door And Takes out His Rifle. "Let's Get Outta Here!" Jones says as Chimpanski Speeds up, and they drive out of Lazy. They Drive into Retail Row and Stop at Noms To Have a Breather. "Okay Guys, We Ready To Go And Take Down the IO?" Torin asks, Jones and Chimpanski Smiling in Response. "Let's do it then.." She Says Before Stomping the Pedal Towards The Bunker. They slow down as they Near the Bunker, Realising that It's Open Now, As Jones Had Said when they first encountered him. "Dang, If only we still had That C4 Chimpanski.." Torin Says, Looking around for some Sort Of Explosive. "We Could Get a Gas Canister and Pour it all around it and then Blow it up" Jones Suggests, Torin Agreeing that Its their only hope. The Three Drive to the Catty Corner Gas station and Grab a Gas Can before driving Back to the Bunker. They Then Prepare to Throw the Gas Can inside of The Base, Before Hearing Loud Talking from their Right. They Turn to See Fabio Sparklemane, Mascot of Unicorn Flakes!!! And Meowscles, Former Agent Of Midas. "W-What..? I'm Confused." Torin says As Meowscles Stares at them, Clearly not Interested in what they Had to Say. "Look, We're here to stop the IO, So if you could Move that would be Greatly Appreciated." He says, Pushing Torin and Chimpanski Outta the Way. Torin Watches as he Peeks Around the Corner, Eyeing the Big Metal Doors. "Well Firstly, A Cat and a Cereal Mascot Can't Take down the IO, And Secondly, We Also Wanna take down the IO, And 5 People is More of an Army Than 2." Jones Says to The Two. "Alright Fine.. Let's Get this Over with.." Meowscles shrugs.

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