Fight for your life

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"Well, I think it was good Idea to Move up to this Fort by Pleasant Park, But where did Jones go Exactly?" Chimpanski Asks, Prepping the Blue Cube.
"We were just Exploring and I think he fell into the Ground.. I don't know where though" Torin says, Watching as Cube Monsters spawn down at the Barrier Created by the Blue Cube. "Ha, They've got nothing on us" Toona Fish says, Watching as the Queen begins to behave strangely. "She's gonna start it now okay okay" Chimpanski Says as she Creates a Portal for the Last Reality to Enter through.


They all watch as The Motherships above Send out a Bunch of Abductors and Saucers, Before Heading For the Blue Cube.
"ITS FINE! THEY CANT PENETRATE OUR FORCFIE-yes they can" Chimpanski Says as they Break the Forcefield, Leaving them and The Cube Exposed. The Abductor above it charges up before Blowing up the Cube, Leaving blue shards across The ground, As Caretakers Spawn from Multiple cubes that had just appeared.

"Wake him up" Slone says, Walking into a heavily Guarded Room Where Jones was being Held Captive. The Guard on the right presses a button on his Keypad, Waking up Jones. "GAHH"
"You just had to be the hero, Jones" Slone says, Mocking him, As Cracks Start to appear on the Ceiling.
"You know what Happens to Heroes?" She asks.
"They uhh, live to fight another day?" Jones says Sarcastically.
"Not this time— do it" She says Before Looking at the Guard on her right.
"No no no Don't do it! don't Do it!" Jones Pleads As the Guard Flips the Switch on his Control Panel.
"This isn't Personal, Jones" Slone says, Walking behind his Head and Crouching down to his Level.
"Although I do plan to Enjoy it~" She says, just Before a Loud Crash can be heard from somewhere else in the Facility.
"Would someone see what that is?" She Shouts to the Guards before the Door Gets Shoved open by The Foundation. The Guard on Her right Runs up to him, Getting Punched in the head, killing Him Instantly. He Grabs the Other Guard's Head Before Slamming it down on the Control Panel, Freeing Jones from the Strange Device.
"Impossible! I watched you die!" Slone shouts at him From Across the room.
"I got Over it"
"YOU!" Slone shouts at him before taking out a Pistol and Starts Shooting at him as he Deflects all her bullets before slamming the Keypad to the door, Locking it shut.
"You came Back for me!" Jones Cheers.
"You Promised me Geno"
"Well I love you too Buddy" Jones says before they both run off to another part of the Facility.
"Okay so, what's the Plan?" Jones asks, Staring at the Guards Across the Hallway before the Foundation Darts ahead of him.
"Ha, Great Plan!" Jones says before Following behind him. The Foundation runs up to the Guards and Kills them Both, Before opening the door Infront of them. The Foundation Tosses Jones a Pistol, Before saying
"Shoot anyone who tries to stop me"
"Tries to stop you from what?" Jones asks as the Foundation walks over to one of the signal machines and Brings it down to the ground.
"Taking us to the Other Side"
"Wait— What?" Jones says before more Guards show up and he jumps behind the Fallen Signal Machine.
"Oh I am Keeping this!" Jones says after firing a Couple shots at The Guards.
"Yeah, not gonna happen" The Foundation says, Grabbing a Wire from the Machine and Ripping it out.
"Could you maybe speed it up?"
"You want Faster? Help."
"How is this not Helping?" He shouts to the Foundation. The Foundation Grabs Another Wire and Shoves the Two Wires Together. "Main Console, Gyro System, Disable it"
"On it!" Jones says as he backs up to the Console and Turns it around.
"How do I do that?" Jones says as a Guard runs at the Foundation Before getting Chucked into the Zero Point.
"Figure it out!" He says, Taking out a Strange Rifle and Rifting away 5 Of the Guards.
"...Figure it out, he says,"Jones says, Mocking the Foundation as he types into the console.
"Oh, Got it" he says as he Presses the button that appeared.
"Woah Woah WOAH!" Jones says as the Roof starts to Crumble before the two Hide behind the Signal Machine.
"It's done, initiate Phase 2" The Foundation says, pressing buttons on his Arm Gauntlet.

The Scientist and The Visitor Both Fly in from the Sky and Land at the Base Next to Pleasant Park. They Both Land Infront of the Bunker before the scientist says "that is our way In"
"Hold them Off," he says to The Visitor, who takes out a pistol and starts shooting at the Caretakers. He Chucks four Strange Grenades onto the Bunker Door, Which Carves a Hole into it before saying "alright everyone Fall back" Before Torin, Toona Fish, Chimpanski, Charlotte and Meowscles all jump in.
The Scientist Turns to the Visitor, and says "area Secured, see you on the other side" before the Visitor Flies off. He Tosses one more Bomb behind him before Jumping inside and Landing in the IO Facility, With The Cube Squad Behind him.
"Everyone Follow me to the Bridge, we'll be safe there" The Scientist Says Before running down the stairs Infront of them, As the Cube Squad Follows.
"It's hard to run for your life, Huh? Great Cardio" He says as they Run through the Facility as it Crumbles. They Reach a Door and he says "let me get the door" before pressing buttons on his arm Gauntlet. He Opens the Door as the Loudspeaker says
"Lets move, Everyone"
They ignore it and enter the lab, Before running out and Nearly getting Crushed by rubble.
"Oh, this is Nuts!" The Scientist shouts as they Enter Battle Bus Repair.
"Don't worry Guys, I'll move the Bus— BY MYSELF!" He says, Straining at the last words
"It's right up here, and I will give you a Water break soon" he says Sarcastically Before they run into the Hallway and the Entrance to the Bridge gets closed off. "HEADS UP! I know another way" he says as Caretakers walk around underwater with them. They Run through the Halls and Reach the Weapons Lab.
"GUYS!" Jones Cheers, Seeing his Squad again. "What a day, am I right?" The Scientist Says Jokingly before they reach another door, and he uses the Special Bombs on them.
"Careful, Edges are hot" he says before They run towards the Bridge.
"This is the Epicenter of the Island, You guys, we're Safe here" He says as they run along the Walls and enter the Bridge.
"That's the Last one, WE DID IT!"Jones Cheers as the Rest of the cube Squad appear.
"Where's my gun?"
"OK, I may have dropped it in the Zero Point"
"Ugh, why does she make me keep saving you?" He says as he steps down lower on the Rubble.
"Good, You made it, And you Brought the Loopers" He says To the Scientist.
"The Surface is lost but we should be safe here" The Scientist says before an announcement can be heard
"You call this safe?" Jones says to the Scientist.
"It'll hold, it's rated for 1000 times atmospheric pressure" The Scientist Says Right Before a Caretaker Smashes the Glass on the Roof, Allowing water to flood in.
"WELL WHAT ABOUT THAT?" Jones shouts to the Scientist as it hits the Glass again.
"Get ready to swim" The Foundation says before it Destroys the Glass and A Massive Waterfall Floods in.


Torin Rises to the Surface Of the Water and Watches as the Island Flips Over. "WHAT THE~" She shouts before it fully Flips over. "WHAT IN THE WOR- There's a wave coming for me" Torin says as a Tidal Wave Starts Heading Straight For her. "WOAH WOAH WOAAA——-"

Hours Later, She's Barely Alive, Holding onto a piece of Rubble, Drifting Towards the Island, What new Secrets could possibly await?

Find out in


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