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When you see the ☀ play the song at the top!
Other recommended songs: I Love You So/ Too Good at Goodbyes/ Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story/ Slipping Through My Fingers/ Kizuato/ I'll Never Smile Again/ Je Te Laisserai des Mots

The next day the players were led into a white room. They wondered what they could possibly be playing in here since it was just a white room. Nothing in it. They were told to partner up, so naturally, they went with people they trusted. But one person was left without.

"H-hey! What about me? I need a partner! I can't be- I can't die!" Number 105 was in hysterics, shouting and screaming, begging anyone to take his place, but nobody wanted to.

In the end, he was dragged away and the other players left the white room, where only half of them would return tomorrow.

Each player was given a bag of ten marbles. They were told that the person they were partnered up with was who they would be playing against. Their goal was to end the game with all twenty marbles in their possession before the thirty-minute time limit was up. Their hearts dropped since most people were playing with people they cared about.

Upon knowing this, some pairs decided to just play the game and accept whoever lost as the loser, no matter how much it might hurt.

But others,

they did not.

Light & Misa

This is gonna be easy! I've got this in the bag. The brunette thought to himself when he heard what they would be playing. He was wary of picking someone who he saw as an airhead as a partner, but now he was thanking his lucky stars. He could win the game and be done with it within the span of ten minutes. Not that there was any rush.

He was certain he would win, seeing as Misa was not that bright and his intuition was impeccable.

Light looked around at all the other groups, struggling to get started since they were so close. Misa saw herself and Light as close, but she was eager to get started. Eager to die, huh?

They started playing the game and as expected, Light won the first couple of rounds. When he only needed to collect three more marbles from Misa, though, things turned around. Depending on who you want to win, it could be for better or for worse. For Light, though,

it was for worse.

She soon won back all her marbles and even some of Light's in one go. It turns out that she thought she was gonna die anyway, so she put all her marbles on the line. Unfortunately for Light, he guessed even and had to give her three of his own marbles.

Now Light was the one in a compromising position. Left with only two marbles, he was desperate, so desperate that he gambled all of his marbles hoping that Misa would guess wrong. It was out of character, so he was riding on that.

But she guessed even, and Light was forced to hand over his own marbles.

"Oh wow! I didn't expect to win!" The pink soldier raised his gun, pointing it at Light, finger on the trigger. "Wait! We're not done playing yet," Misa waved her hands out in front of her. The guard lowered his gun, and Light looked at Misa with confusion.

"Before you say anything, I was planning on giving you the marbles either way. You were always going to win. I just- I just wanted to play with you one last time." Handing over her marbles, she smiled at Light. Although he was using her from the start, this smile seemed brighter somehow, not sad like it should be. He felt sorrow, knowing that he would never see that smile again.

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