Chapter 8 Campfire con.

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We spend the next couple hours eating dinner, telling stories, and just hanging out. Even Sam seems to open up a little when he tells the story of when he and his siblings started a strawberry war in their house, and strawberries ended up being banned for the rest of the summer.

I'm glad Sam seems happier. It broke my heart when he was all sad and there was nothing I could do to help him.

"But he dared me, so of course I jumped on. And it worked for two seconds before the rope broke, and we all hit the ground hard. So I rolled over, and I kid you not, my left arm was at a forty five degree angle. I don't know if it was shock or adrenaline, but I didn't feel any pain, so I ended up chasing my younger brother around the yard for ten minutes before my mom saw and took me to the emergency room." Dev wipes tears from his eyes. "My brother was traumatized for years afterward."

We all laugh.

Jax stands up. "I have decided—"

Peter hands me the rest of his s'more, and I finish it off for him since he used the non gelatin ones too.

"—that we need to go do something."

"Like what?" Peter asks.

"Like an adventure."

"We're going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship," Peter softly sings.

"Let's go to the park," Dev says after groaning over Peter's singing.

Jax points at Dev. "Excellent idea. Race you." He takes off.

Dev blinks, and then he's up too. "Hey, wait!"

Peter gets up from my lap. "Can we go too?"

Orion nods with a smile. "Just please don't come back like you guys did last time!"

"I make no promises!" Peter grabs my hand and pulls me with him.

I glance back once we reach the end of the yard cause I feel bad for leaving Orion, Sam, and Lincoln by themselves. I hate being left out of things.

"They'll be okay, Blythe," Peter says, coming to a stop beside me. "It's okay."

I hadn't realized that I had stopped walking. The moonlight shines around us.

"Oh, you're so cute!" He squeals and kisses me on the cheek. Then he grabs my hand and pulls me along again. "Let's go. We got to catch up to Jax and Dev."

I smile and hurry up.

I don't know where we're going, but Peter seems to know. There's a mini forest behind the house, so we swerve through a lot of trees. Then all of a sudden, the trees stop, and a huge playground comes into view.

Lampposts surround the playset, casting a little light over everything, but definitely not enough to see any clearer than basic shapes.

I hear laughter and see Jax at the highest point on this spiderweb thing, knocking Dev off when he tries to climb up.

"I beat you, and you know it!" Jax yells.

"You only won cause you cheated, you cheater!" Dev yells back.

"You're just jealous that you didn't win."

"C'mon," Peter says and pulls me around the spiderweb, so Jax can't see us. He puts his finger to his lips and then points up at Jax with a smile.

I nod, and we climb up the web.

Dev spots us but doesn't say anything.

"I am not jealous," Dev says, distracting Jax.

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