Chapter 11 Body Swap Part 2

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When my alarm goes off in the morning, I want to murder everyone and then yeet myself off of a cliff.

Instead, I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep.

Then I remember what I'm supposed to be doing today, and the anxiety comes back in so much force that I climb off the couch and start walking around the table.

I can't do this today. I can't. What if I mess up and get caught? I'll get in trouble—that's not a problem—but Peter will also get in trouble, and that's not good. I don't want to be the reason he gets expelled from school!

"You okay, Blythe?"

I stop, startled, and turn to see Peter standing in the doorway. I'm wondering what he's doing awake and standing right there, but it connects that he's up and walking. "You should be resting," I say and start pushing him back towards the stairs.

He resists. "Woah, I'm fine. I promise. Stop it. I need to move. I've been sitting for way too long."

"But what if you overwork yourself and pass out?"

He chuckles. "I won't. Promise. Don't worry."

"Too late for that," I mumble but stop trying to get him to lay down. I go back to the couch and sit down on it, bouncing my leg up and down. I wonder what time it is actually...

Peter sits next to me. "Jax's going to drop you off at the back of the school," he says. "And you're going to walk into the building. Go right and continue until you get to a staircase. Go to the second floor, take a right, and then another right. The classroom is the first door on the right. You got it?"

"Lots of rights. Got it."

He smiles. "Yeah. Once you get in the classroom, I sit in the last row in the back. Far right side." He laughs again. "Maybe there are a lot of rights."

It makes me have a little smile but not for long. My anxiety is skyrocketing this morning. "Back row. Far right. Got it."

"Class starts at 8:30 and continues until 12:30. Then we have lunch for an hour and class after that until 3:30. For lunch, you can just eat in the classroom. Some people go to the cafeteria, but it's easier, since you have a lunch, to just stay in the classroom. At the end of the day, go back to the same entrance you came in, and Orion will be there to pick you up. You got it?"

I nod. "I think. Sounds easy."

"It will be, don't worry. Mr. Frierson can be oblivious sometimes and blind other times. You'll be fine." He takes my hand. "Thank you for doing this," he whispers.

I look at him and see something in his eyes that reminds me exactly why I'm doing this. I'm doing this for Peter. He needs me right now, and I can't let him down.

Jax sticks his head in the entrance. "Blythe, it's time to go." He blinks. "Go put the contacts in, or this will never work."

I jump up, forgetting all about the contacts, and rush upstairs to put them in. I slept in Peter's hoodie last night, so that's good. I rush back downstairs, and Jax messes with my hair a bit.

"Better," he says and hands me a lunchbox. "You're lunch. I figured you'd forget."

I take it. "Thanks."

"You ready to go?'

I nod, but the feeling in my stomach is making me want to go hide somewhere.

Peter wraps his one good arm around me, tucking me close to him. He's really warm. "Have a good day at school." He grins.

"Yeah, yeah," I say back with a smile.

He laughs.

Jax and I get into the car, and he drives towards the school. It takes ten minutes, and by the time we're stopped, my heart is beating out of my chest. I start to feel tingles all over, and I know that's not a good sign.

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