Chapter 35 Video Games

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I yawn and stretch as I walk to the kitchen. I stayed up way too late last night reading but do I regret it? Nope!

I grab a box of cereal, milk, and a bowl, and head to the table. No one else is here, so I'm guessing I slept past breakfast. I look around and see a note on the counter. I get up and grab it before sitting back down.


I have left for the office. The others are out. Jax has his final due tomorrow, so let him work.

Love you,


Cool. I take another bite. I have the entire house to myself. Sorta.

I finish up breakfast and head back upstairs. What am I going to do today? I can't annoy—I mean hangout—with the others because they're all gone. Only Jax is here, but he has his final, and I would feel bad if I disturbed him.

I hear a knock on the bedroom door, and I open it. Speak of the devil.

"Blythe, where is everyone else?" Jax stands there in his pajamas looking sleep deprived and stressed.

"Out. Need something?"

He runs his hand through his hair. "Yeah. I need a fresh set of eyes. You up for it?"

I shrug. "Sure." I follow him into his dark room and sit down at his desk chair. His laptop screen is pulled up with the title of a game: Slay the Dragon

"Yeah. Still working on the title."

"Did you make this?"

"Yeah. My final is to make a video game. There's some guidelines of course, but I just need you to play it to see if I missed or messed anything up. This counts as fifty percent of my grade, so it's very important, and I can't fail this. If I fail this, I could fail the class."

"I thought you had an A?"

"I do. If I fail this, I could go down to a C."

He looks genuinely concerned, so I don't make a joke about how getting a C is still perfectly fine, and I click the play button. It's set in the medieval times with swords and fair maidens and wizards, and it's pretty cool. The only problem is the person behind me. Jax won't stop pacing, and it's driving me insane. I have three lives, and I play until I lose two when I pause the game and turn around in my seat.

Jax stops pacing and looks at me with wide eyes. "Oh god, it sucks, doesn't it? I knew I should've went with my other idea. I knew this was terrible. Now I have to start all over and—"

I sigh, roll my eyes, stand up, and shut him up with a kiss. I stand on my toes and hold his head in my hands. I coax him into kissing me back, and when he does, he takes control. He pushes me back until I'm pressed up against the wall. His hands find my hips and go under my shirt, but I don't tense up like normal. He's not looking.

His tongue finds mine, and I moan. I run my hands through his hair, messing it up further, and he trails his lips down my neck, sucking on the way. I pant for air, eyes still closed, and head laying against the wall, but then I remember that this is about him, not me, so I move his lips back to mine, and I take over. I pull the kiss a touch deeper before finally releasing him and opening my eyes. He's looking at me with so much passion in his eyes that it takes my breath away again. I will never get tired of that.

"Better now?" I breathe out.

He nods his head. "Sorry. I'm very anxious about this."

"I know you are but don't be. The small amount that I've played is very good. You are not going to fail. You are doing fantastic. Just, get your mind off of it for a while. Let's go do something. Anything you want. You pick."

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