Star on a rise pt 7

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After months of being on tour sadly it has come to a end you are sad but so proud of yourself for getting this far and are finally back home in Newcastle. You get a group text from Bianca, jett and some more of there friends saying to hang out on Saturday it is Friday afternoon and y/n wants to go so she agrees. She locks her phone and goes into her dining room to see her mum packing boxes.
Y/n- mum? What are you doing?
Mum-well I have been meaning to tell you this for a while, well since your show in Los angles. I was talking to your manager and it would be a lot better opportunity for your career! We are moving to LA next week better start packing!
Y/n-really! I mean wow that's so amazing, I'm tomorrow can I go to the beach with Bianca and jett and a few more friends to tell them?
Mum-for sure honey! This is what you wanted right?
Y/n- yeah, it is it's just a lot to take in, I will go start packing.

You go to your room and just cry, quietly of course. And fall asleep on the floor with photos of you and Bianca in your hands. You wake up the next morning laying in your bed *your mum  carried you there* and get dressed to go to the beach.

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