Star on a rise pt 9

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When you get to your new house and it is absolutely stunning and as soon as all of your things arrive you start to unpack everything and in the middle of all of that unpacking you receive a phone call from you manger, you pick it up and he says " y/n amazing news! You album has been nominated for album of the year at the Grammys congratulations!" You finish up your Conversation and rush out to go see your mum tell her the great news.

After a long day of unpacking you settle down in bed and start to go and check your social media's and come across a message, you click on it and it's from Billie Eilish, you are so happy you check it immediately and it says 'hey y/n! My name is Billie and I wanted to congratulate you on your album of the year nomination! I hear you have moved to LA do you want to maybe go get
So good sometime or just hang
Out? Anyway bye!" You answer back saying " hey Billie, thank u for your good luck wishes I really appreciate it and yeah sure I would love to hang out sometime are you free tomorrow?"
Billie: yes I am do u want to go get some lunch around 12?
Y/n: sure see you then night!
Billie: night
It's the next day and your out at lunch with her and you post this to your Insta:

After a long day of unpacking you settle down in bed and start to go and check your social media's and come across a message, you click on it and it's from Billie Eilish, you are so happy you check it immediately and it says 'hey y/n! My name is B...

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Out with Billie! Having so much fun! Blood sugar is super high now after that Arizona.

You finish up at lunch and both go home.

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