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We hold each other in the bath, my back against him. His warmth is way better than the water and I couldn't wait to get in bed with him.

Not like in a sexual way but like my personal teddy bear. I really want him to take my v card but I don't know how to tell him that.I've always wanted to lose it when I get married, but everything feels right with him.

"What's on your mind ladybird"

I clear my throat, taken back to reality, grateful that he can't read minds.

"I want to go to Netherlands"

"What do you want to see?"

"The Van Gogh Museum. Plus the scenery"

"My parents have an apartment in Amsterdam. We can go anytime you want. After graduating, so I can have you all to myself"

I smile pushing myself closer to him, making him hold me close. Who knew that the mysterious next door neighbor would be this thoughtful? Everything feels like a daydream.

A knock on the door gets me out of my fantasia. Knowing well it was my father cause Isabella is usually at her place at this time. I get out of bed almost immediately.

"Love the view" Keilan speaks and I hush him. Now wasn't the time. If my father knew I had a boy over, hell would break loose.

Grabbing my robe, and a towel to dry my hair I walk to my bedroom door.

I gasp, taken aback, surprised to see Ms Penelope.

"Dinner is ready. Your best friend left a while ago"

"Yes. We spoke on the phone"

"She's not good company you know. As the current valedictorian you should ..."

"Is that all? Okay thanks"

I close the door, basically shooing her away.  She has some nerve judging others after sleeping with someone's husband. Turning back I'm left stuck at one position.

Keilan's standing just outside the bathroom door, towel drying his hair. His abs aren't the only thing that capture my attention. He looks up just as I start to think of steamy positions. Why isn't he covered?

"All yours baby" he speaks softly walking towards me.

I'm glued at the spot, now focused on his darkened gray eyes. Walking to me he kisses me, removing my robe.

Is this it? Is this how I lose my virginity?

"Let's get you oiled up"

I blush, his statement fanning the flame. He takes his time, massaging every inch of my body.

"My turn" I speak with an innocent smile. Caressing him I apply the vanilla scented lotion, feeling  like a vixen.

I internally fan girl wondering why the heavens decided to bless me this way. Looking up to his dark gaze and dangerous smirk, he seems to be enjoying this. I trail my hand down his torso and his breath hitches.

I never really thought a guy like him would fall for a girl like me.

"Careful" he whispers

"I'll be gentle" I tease winking at him.

Watching him close his eyes as I focus on his boner, made me do it thrice just to see his reaction He grabs my hand, taking it off him.

"I have a huge amount of self control not to fuck you right now. Stop testing me"

Nodding, I'm unsure of what I want him to do next. I place my hands around his neck and he begins to hold me, kissing me deeply.

"I love you"

"I love you too" he smiles.

Grabbing my silk slip dress he puts it over me, kissing my forehead.

"Can I sleep over at your place next?"

He smiles as I grab a pair of  my large sweatpants.

"Deal. Up until I make you my wife"

   * * *

The crickets outside are some kind of white noise when I wake up. Keilan's fast asleep and I'm glad our sleeping positions compliment each other. Lying on his chest, I can't think of a time I was happier than this.

Never believed it at first but I now know he cares about me. My eyes start to get heavy but the memory of him choking me snaps me awake.

Like what the hell was that though? He must have gone through alot to get a PTSD like that. Definitely switched to a different person on that night.

His warmth brings me back to reality. If he ever physically hurts me again, i'm done with him.
Embracing him even more, I know deep inside that he will never do it.

I never thought I would be the type to imagine a wedding so soon but Keilan made me change that perception.

Looking back at him, I realize that I love him alot more than I thought I would.

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