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I feel numb. Every single part of my body was numb and hurt.The pain was too much but I decide to stay positive.

"Well at least I have a shot at The World's ugliest queen right?" I laugh spitting out my sorry sobs.

"Don't worry honey it will get better. I know the perfect ointment, I'll write it down for you" my mom says rubbing my back.

"All you have to do is head to the store and get it"

"What?" I say wiping off my tears "mom, how can I possibly leave the house looking like this?"

She lets out her signature sigh that marks the end of our discussion. There is no way I can win this battle.

I head to the shower careful not to make my face worse. The water is cold but I endure the numerous hits of ice on my back. It was as if the rivers in Antarctica were practically pouring down my spine. But there was no way in hell I can go back to my cursed one. 

Heading back upstairs I see myself again in the hallway mirror. I look paler than ever and I realize that my perky mouth is split at my lower lip.

There is a girl in the mirror.

I know her.

Sometimes I wish I didn't.

There is a story in her eyes when she's looking back at me I can tell she's hurting inside.


"Mom. The name?" I ask as I enter her room. She's on her bed reading whatever middle-aged women read. A bookworm is what she is. I think I got it from her.

"I wrote it down for you. Kept it on your dressing table"

I turn back to the hallway when I see she's deep inside the story not even looking up when she replied.

Changing into my favorite shirt,converse and black jeans, I take Lindsey's huge sunglasses. Second guessing my huge cowboy hat, I cover myself with a scarf. Let nobody see the way my face has turned.

I clutch the written piece of paper and head to the door. Stopping at the mirror in the hallway, I realize I covered basically nothing. I look like an urban snow white with a cracked face and a thinning hairline.

After wearing the huge hat, I finally come out of the house, heading to the store.

Choosing to hide in every corner,tree and wall, I low key feel like a vigilante. Even once scaring a neighbor's cat.

Our street has snoopy residents and you can never miss someone staring through their window.

It seemed like forever when I finally reached my destination. Taking the ointment from the shelves, I turn and head to the counter. On my way something catches my attention and I blankly stare at the hair dye

Let me at least try something unpredictable

The neon colors are Lindsey's and she'll practically bash my head if I put. She changes her hair color almost every week and I want to be on the safe side. I pick blonde cause I know I look like a clown with red hair and plus she hates basic colors so i'm safe.

Lindsey tried the red on me last summer and I've never trusted her with any of my body parts ever again. Half of my hair practically fell off. I looked like a middle aged man trapped in a teen girl's body.
Searching my pockets,I try to see if I have enough money to buy both of the stuff, only to find them clean empty.

Oh no.

My mother never gave me any and there is no way I go back home then back to the store again. It took me a lot of time and energy.

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