Tell me

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I walk up to him not minding the stares i was getting. Tapping his shoulder he turns with a touch of anger. "Hi" I politely say

"What do you want?" he asks in a voice i've never heard from him before. His face was stone cold and he had shaved off his beard. I mean he still looked nice but the first look was perfecto. 

"easy there tough guy" I nudge him only to hit a wall of muscle and a pissed off Keilan.

"look here woman ... get your shit right go disturb someone else"


wha-t the hell did he just say? 

"what?" I ask in disbelief. This was the same guy that was under my balcony last night shouting my name for the whole world to hear.

"did I stutter?" he asks not even blinking once. I mean is this guy being for real now? Some people in the hallway were shamelessly looking at us as if this was a movie. 

"look. just give me my penknife" I say and he narrows his eyes at me 

"I don't know what your talking about" he says walking past me leaving me glued at my spot.

I bet on the outside world I looked like a thirsty girl who just got thrashed by the new hot guy in school. Well all in all I just needed the keys to my locker.

Camera flashes are seen and I see Fred cheekily walking away. I swear on a leaf this boy just likes getting on my nerves. Looking around i head to my first morning class when the bell luckily saves me from people's giggles.

"How don't you have any book with you Ruby?" Mrs Reeds our Literature teacher asks.

"She probably left it in her dungeon" Julia says and everybody laughs. I bite into my pen instead of going to the washroom to cry my guts out.

"My locker is acting up and everything is inside it" 

I reply when everyone has stopped laughing. She nods her head as she gives me her copy. She's like the best teacher I have ever seen.

"This month is Julius Caesar by Shakespeare" she says writing on the board.

Dropping the marker, Julia lets out a grunt.

"I mean she wasn't forced here ... she can just leave" I speak to myself as she sends me a dreadful glare. Judging by other people's faces I think I said it a little louder than I thought.

"So has anyone read the story?" Mrs Reeds asks, saving me once again.

I for one have read it but never will I raise my hand. And never have.

Everyone turns to a hand behind that surely belongs to Keilan. She nods at him and he speaks "It's about a man who is back stabbed by his friends after ignoring his lover's warnings" 

"True. What's your name?"

"Richards ... Keilan Richards" he says as if this is some James Bond movie.

The girls blush at his smirk as he winks at them. I roll my eyes wondering why I had to fall for him. Julia herself seems interested as she gives him quick glances when Kyle is not looking.

Soon the bell rings when Mrs Reeds is in the middle of explaining the first scene. "Essays on my desk by Thursday" she shouts before the first person leaves the room. Keilan's face has become passive and I do not get why his mood changes like the weather.

I eat my sandwich alone when lunchtime reaches. Lindsey has ditched school and is probably with Kyle or Tyler. 

Keilan sees me and I almost choke on my sandwich. His walking shirtless as his glowing skin flashes with bliss... snap out of it Ruby!

The whole cafeteria is staring at him with girls literally fanning themselves. He wears his shirt before heading to the vendor machine. I mean come on .. really? He just had to do that? He clenches his jaw and when I follow his eyes they are directly into Kyle's.

Jeez, I can feel the tension from here.

He pops his can as he walks towards my direction. Sitting at my table he has the guts to say hi. 

"get the hell out of my face" 

He chuckles gulping down his Pepsi. I try to leave but he pulls down my hand forcing me to sit.

Looking around I see everyone staring. Great... just great

I stare into his eyes and I see a faint red. He's high? he's freaking high again.. and in school. Wha.. I mean why does he do this to himself? 

"judgy judgy Ruby" he shakes his head crushing the can. Removing my glitter penknife from his jean pocket he chucks the knife place. 

At that moment I knew I would be punished for the crime of breaking the school rule number 9.


"so you actually had it.. Ignoring me like I'm something else... Give it back!"

 I snap when I see him putting it back in his pocket. I had not realized that I had shouted and was now practically sprawled against the lunch table with my hand out.

Sitting back I take note of Fred recording the two of us. Keilan chuckles removing the pen knife out again.

"you want this... Ladybird?" he asks with a rueful smile. I mean he was practically an emotionless statute like half an hour ago.

"what the hell do you think?!"

His face changes and he stands up sitting next to me. I am fuming because of this guy, like I haven't had a book in my bag the whole day and I have debate club discussions in the next few minutes.

He places his head on the table looking at me smiling shamelessly.

"give it B A C K" I say it emphasizing on the last part. 

He shuffles his hair then turns directly to me. "that's not a polite way of asking" he smiles with his now bloodshot eyes. Removing the penknife he touches it, slowly chucking the knife part again. 

"I don't care you weird freak. I want it back!" I snap again. Not filtering any of my words

His smile fades and he puts the knife on my lower lip, micrometers away from it piercing the flesh. He puts his face directly at me his eyes staring at my lips 

"watch that pretty mouth of yours" 

My heart is racing fast and he drops the penknife in front of me, seconds before the Principal's heels halt in front of us.

"In my office... both of you"

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