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Have you ever wondered how the popular girls have it all? Pretty faces, perfect bodies and tons of money.
Yeah. Same.

Like each and every time they have make up on and I can't even draw a dark line above my eyelids and not end up looking like a scarecrow.

Ironsdel is my home and I'm regarded as the ugliest person; according to the school's newspaper.

 But that won't get to me. At all!

Yeah I cried numerous times yesterday night and ate a full bucket of ice cream. But I still won't let it get to me. I try to convince myself anyway.

"Lol Ruby. Don't beat yourself up. I mean I told you to start jogging and wearing make up" Lindsey says putting the newspaper on our lunch table and I instantly throw a pea at her.
How dare she.
I mean she's been telling me that practically since kindergarten but now I feel hurt. I don't know why, but those words now hurt like hell.

"Okay, okay I was messing. Your beautiful either way" she says straightening her back "Btw the hotness has arrived"

I arch my back to see Kyle. He is the most beautiful creature in town and Lindsey has had a mega crush on him since the beginning of time. I mean I also had the hots for him but I bit my tongue cause I knew she would scratch my eyes out if she found out.

To be brutally honest every single girl had a crush on him. I mean who would not. His face was defined with features of a perfectly sculptured being. He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks just to stare at him. His face was made by the outer most love with perfect hair to match. He always had on a playful smile, his green eyes making him devilishly handsome. Rumor has it he models for Vogue during winter and summer breaks.

Watching him walk with Julia, the most popular girl in school made me halt in my fan girl tracks. The were hand in hand like always, being the 'power couple'. Well according to the school's newspaper.

"He's a jerk" I drink my yogurt rolling my eyes. Lindsey continues staring at him nonchalantly, her eyes digging rape on his body

"and a sex god"

I seriously always want to smack her head whenever she brushes off the fact that Kyle's a total douche. Her mentality of the bad boy having the total rights to be an ass and walk away with it is greatly demeaning. She has been my best friend since preschool and accepting her character has been challenging.
Lindsey is also my only friend which makes me the lowest in the popularity chain as I only interacted with her.

Well there is my poetry club, which I had to join, as it was a requirement to attend a non-academic club.

On the plus side I have the highest GPA in the whole school so its not that bad.

"Pinch me, he's walking this way" Lindsey says and I choke. "I always knew he would leave that slut to announce his undying love for me" 

She begins to play with her jet pink hair, putting her flirt mode on. 

"They can't be possibly be coming he..." I speak before I'm cut off by Julia practically shouting for the whole world to hear.

"Hi Ruby! I bet you already know me"

Of course I do.

We were best friends before she snitched on Lindsey for eating the principal's food in summer camp. She made me choose between the two of them, despising me more than anyone when I did not pick her.

Nobody wanted to hang out with us since 5th grade after she tarnished our names, spreading rumors and lies. We became invisible to her till this date.

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