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(A/N) Hey guys! This chapter will mainly be Cat's POV just sayin! Okay chapter six below:

Jessica's POV

That bitch! I can't believe she's Ross' girlfriend didn't she know I liked him! Oh she's gonna get it when I see her and Ross isn't gonna help her. I bounced into someone,"Watch it you!" "Why don't you watch it" I looked up to see Laura, the head cheerleader and Ross' ex girlfriend staring at me in disgust.  "Uh I have better things to do than bicker with you" I told her turning to leave.

"Wait! You heard about Cat being Ross' new girlfriend?" she looked at me with questioning eyes.  I rolled my eyes just hearing her name. "You're jealous arent you?" she said smirking,"well I am too that slut doesnt deserve him, but I have a plan," I was interested so she whispered her plan in my ear. When she was done I smirked shaking my head. "So car park after school meet you there" and with that she left. The bell rang, 'yah time for class I'm soooo excited'. I ran to my dance class oh I can't wait for this afternoon!

Cat's POV

It's lunch, I'm meeting up with Jade. She's at a table with Ryland, Ross and Rocky it's called the 'popular table', first time I'm sitting here actually. I might have been best friends with Ross but I always sat by myself at the far end of the cafeteria, this is all so new to me! I haven't seen Jessica for the entire day neither Laura, not that I'm complaining though. As if she heard her name in my mind, Laura came walking in swaying her hips side to side winning the attention of all of the jocks.

I scoffed and turned around facing my new friends and boyfriend. I tried talking to Jade and Ryland but it was difficult, it's like they weren't part of this world, they were just staring at each other's eyes. They're totally meant to be with each other! "Hey Ross," I whispered,"Yeah Cat?" he stared at me curiously. "We should set them up together, they're perfect!""I don't wanna get into their business," he told me and he's not easily persuaded so I gave up and sighed. "Hey Rossy, hello brat," Laura snickered, coming up to our table. Ross gave her a dirty look and I just rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Laura," my words were like venom. "Why would I want anything from you, it's not like you can afford something,you're as poor as a mouse," she shot at me. I was hurt but let it slide, everyone, even some of the teachers were watching. "Oh my gosh you know similes! You're not a dumb ass after all," I told her while clapping my hands and smirking. Everyone laughed at my comeback.  Laura watched me and if looks could kill, I'll be dead. She picked up my tray and slammed it into my shirt, giving ut a huge stain. She then poured my juice over my head and evilly laughed. Oh that bitch is gonna get it now!

I got up and punched Laura in her nose, blood immediately flowing out. I started kicking her and it only took Ross, Rocky, Ryland and Jade to pry me out off her reach. "Let me go! That slut wanna come here messing me up let me fucking mess her up too! I'm fed up taking this bullshit from her, fed up!" I shouted. "Cat cool down honey cool," Ross said trying to soothe me. "I'm not gonna fucking cool Ross! Let me go! Lemme beat the shit out of her!" I totally lost it, I couldn't calm, Laura kept embarrassing me with every chance she got, I couldnt take it anymore.

"Cat calm down now, please" Ross whispered to me. "I can't, why does she do this to me," I said bursting into tears.He hugged me sympathetically," it's okay babe, don't worry, everything's gonna be alright." I just shook my head and fell into his arms sobbing. "What's going in here!" boomed Principal Daniel. "Laura and Catherine sir," said some annoying boy. "Catherine! Laura! My office now!" Principal Daniel boomed again. "I'll talk to you later," Ross mouthed to me. I mouthed back okay and looked at the floor as I made my way to Principal Daniel's office.

"Okay, who started this fight?" he asked us."Laura," "Cat," we said together.  "Okay I believe Cat because she's not one to fight but I must say I'm disappointed with you Cat, never have you been reported to my office for a fight." "Yes sir I know but Laura keot pushing me around, embarrassing me in school, I couldn't take it anymore, " I understand Cat but you're still being punished for breaking Laura's nose." "Yes sir, " I said looking down at my hands. "Your punishment is a two day suspension and Laura yours is a month suspension starting from tomorrow and I'll see to it that you help with community service during your suspension." Principal Daniel told us. "What!" Laura screeched.  "You heard me missy,now lwave and clean up or whatever but dont return to class return home as soon as you are fixed up." I nodded and left meeting Ross and Jade outside. "Two day suspension," I told them sighing. "Come on hun let's get you cleaned up," Jade said sweetly. We took 15 minutes cleaning up and I had to leave school to begin my two day suspension.

Ross persuaded me to go to the park and get ice cream so here we are walking to the park. "I am amazed at how you handeled Laura," he spoke suddenly. "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked him. "Nothing offensive Cat! I wanted you to know how proud I am of you for sticking up for yourself." "Oh thanks then," I told him,fiddling with my fingers. We arrived at the ice cream shop, before I could order Ross requested, "One coconut and a cookie dough ice cream please." "Ross! I could order for myself you know, " I told him, playfully hitting his shoulder.

"One coconut and a cookie dough,$10 please," said the man at the counter. "I'll pay Ross," I said digging through my pockets, but Ross being Ross started arguing with me saying he was going to pay.  And this went on for a few minutes until a man behind us shouted,"Somebody pay already!" Ross pulled out a ten and handed the man at the counter. He handed us our ice cream and we sat on a bench at the park. We ate our ice cream in a peaceful silence then we went over by the swing, Ross pushing me it was fun like when we were kids. We even played tag until it was three. We went back to school for Ross' bag and our cars. Ross entered the building and I went to the car park by my car, waiting for Ross. "Hello Cat," said a smirking Laura. Great just the person I wanted to see. "Nice to see you Cat," but it wasn't Laura, it was Jessica.

"Hey Jess, havent seen you for the whole day except now," I said smiling at her. But she didnt smile back she glared at me. "You stole Ross from us Cat and you're gonna pay!" Laura screamed. I was held down by someone behind me and I got punched by Laura and kicked by Jessica and they took turns beating me up. The pain waa agonizing, I just wanted it to stop. Where was Ross when I needed him! They finally stopped kicking and punching me," Bye Cat! Enjoy your day!" Jessica spat at me. I groaned but I couldnt move, I was too weak to talk.

They left anda while after Ross came," Cat!" he screeched,"what happened?" "L-Laura, J-J-Jessica," I told him. A black wave covered my eyes and I only saw darkness.

Dun dun dun!!!!!!
So that was chapter six hope you enjoyed it!

ILY Kamaria♥

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