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Hey guys my SEA EXAM(the very important exam I was telling you about) is finally over! And as I said I'm giving you 2 whole updates so this is the first one. As you have seen I have finally changed my cover for this book please tell me what you think of it in the comments please and thank you! Umm...oh Cathren(Cat) is the girl above(I know you expected her to look different) chappie eight below:

~The Next Day~

Ross' POV:

"Hurry up guys," I heard Rocky whisper rather loudly. "Ssh! Rocky shut up!" I heard my older sister whisper yell at Rocky.

"Sorry" he mumbled. Well now I know they're doing something to wake me up to put on R5 TV, it's nkrmal so I don't balme them, but they know I hate it when they wake me up with a prank. They still think I'm asleep," Is this even gonna work, plus we all know Ross doesn't like being woken up," Cat sakd matter of factly.

I can't believe my own girlfriend is in this! Well revenge awaits! So, for my fellow R5 family, I'm gonna make this R5 TV really over the top that they wont even see it coming. I'm making my own prank, but when it happens you'll know obviously. Now time to think!

Riker's POV:

We're gonna spray whip cream all over Ross! And of course put it on R5 TV. By we I mean, me, Rydel, Rocky, Ryland, Ratliff and even Cat and Jade. I hope this goes well.

Rydel is the one spraying Ross and I'm recording.

I began recording, Rydel shook Ross and turned him over from his belly to his back and sprayed the whip cream on his belly. But Ross didnt budge. Rydel got worried and shouted, "Ross?" He still didn't move, everyone was now frightened. "Ross!Ross!" Cat called him frightfully. "Someone check if he's breathing!" Cat yelled at us. I ran to Ross' stationary body and checked his breathing, tears welled in my eyes. "Nothing" I choked out.

"N-no!" Rydel cried. "This must be a joke!" Cat said and watched me for a while. She just broke down, we all did. I can't believe my brother is gone. All of a sudden we heard laughter from Ross' bed. We turned around surprised to see Ross laughing his ass off. "Ross?" we questioned.

"That's my name" he said. "I-We thought you were dead!" I exclaimed. "Yeah I was pretending" he laughed out like it was the most natural thing ever.

We had shocked looks. "I heard you guys planning to spray so I planned revenge obviously" "You son of a biscuit!" Cat yelled with the most pissed out but joyous look ever.

"You pretended! How could you! That's not revenge, that's being an idiot! Who pretends to be dead?! That's not natural whatsoever!" she furiously yelled at him.

Ross looked somewhat guilty but still had a small goofy smile on his face. "I'm sorry Cat can I do anything to fix this?" he asked. "No" she stated blankly. "I bet I could" "How Ross?" He didn't respond just grabbed her cheeks and you guessed it kissed her, very pationately I might add.

I was kinda jealous I mean I still like Cat. That kiss lasted like 5 mins, they were practically sucking off each others faces!

"Um hello?" Jade questioned, " Earth to Ross and Cathen.

Luckkly for us, they heard Jade and pulled apart, Cat blushing. She looked so cute when she blushed, Ross better not hurt her cause I'd beat the shit outta him.

"Riker?You were recording all this all the time?" Rocky asked. I looked down at my hands to see the camera recording everything. "Yes!" Ross exclaimed. We gave him weird looks. "My whole revenge was for this to go on R5 TV." I nodded, "I'll just edit some stuff out."

"Hey Ross how did you learn to hold your breath so long?" Rydel asked him. "I watch CSI and NCIS, don't judge me."

"Alright bro lets go down for breakfast." I stated.

We ran down to the kitchen table where we saw a note:

Dear kids,

Your dad and I went out, and I doubt you know the reason why but you'll find out sooner or later. We'll be out for the entire day and will be coming back tomorrow at lunch, Rydel you're in charge of the house while we're gone anything out of place you all will be grounded until school reopens.

P.S. Today's our wedding anniversary.

Love Mom♡

"How come you're in charge, I'm the eldest! This is so unfair!" I whined "One, you act like that,two I'm the most responsible one here and three I'm a girl which means I take care of dinner and stuff." Rydel pointed out. "Oh, once you take care of dinner and stuff I'm good, I'm glad I'm not in charge.

"Sometimes I wonder how I'm related to him," Ross said shaking his head at me. "Really I finally noticed where you totally ridiculous aspects came from," Cat smirked. Ross opened his mouth in shock," Excuse me! How dare you Cat! Your punishment is no kisses until lunch!" Ross exclaimed jokingly.

"I could live," Cat said, shaking her head.

"So I'm not making breakfast, do you guys wanna go to Bricks and Scones for breakfast?" Rydel asked. (A/N)(I just searched for cafes in LA CALIFORNIA and I got bricks and scones)

"Sure lets go."

Apparently mom and dad took my new Mercedes Benz so we're going in the van. Cat andJade didnt eat breakfast so they're rolling with us. Ross is trying to get Cat to kiss him but Cat is 'waiting till lunch' as Ross had stated during their 'argument'. It's rather funny though, but really annoying.

Poor Riker....hope you enjoyed the first update!

ILY Kamaria♥

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