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"Jayson Ravenna"

"Jayson Ravenna"

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Chapter 15:

    Friday came quicker than I thought, it could be because the rest of the meetings for the rest of the week went exactly to plan and the nights were filled with endless passion from Jace it's like ever since our make shift engagement party he can't keep his hands off me and I'm not complaining I love it I have never had a man care for me that much even Lorenzo had his reservations our marriage was one of convenience for our family's it wasn't cause we loved each other or because we cared or wanted to help each other which I think is why it became volatile not that I think it was my fault Lorenzo turned to alcohol and abused me but I knew he wasn't ever going to love me and I should have gotten out of it as soon as I got the company then I could have saved myself a lot of heartbreak.

although I hated him for what he did we were still friends before hand we had grew up together in the same social circles and had the same friends but I guess that was never enough for him but when I'm with Jace he is so different he goes out of his way to care for me and never shows any anger towards me if I have to miss a dinner or work late into the night he actually loves that I am dedicated to my company and it's refreshing to hear someone be supportive but I still have reservations about this thing what if we make it official and we end up hating each other I will be twice divorced before I hit thirty and I don't want that but is it worth dragging Jace along maybe he has the same feelings towards me that I do him I grumble at the thoughts bouncing off the walls of my brain.

Today was the day I promised Jayson I would go see him I am so excited to go and see my nephew especially as I was soon to leave and probably not going to see him for a while so I'll have to take this opportunity.

I slip out of the bedroom in search for coffee and Jace he must have got up earlier I fill the coffee pot and let it percolate while I grab a cup from the cupboard I look out the window at the view the way the waves crashed against the shore while the sun beats down on the sand giving it a magical gleam I used to always love living here with the smell of the salty sea and the calming waves you don't get this in New York it's mostly blocked in tall buildings and monotone streets but I love the atmosphere that New York offers it's very free and unapologetic but I sometimes miss home I get so lost in my world I don't even realise when a cup of coffee gets passed to me from across the breakfast counter i practically jump ten feet into the air before I turn towards Jace who has that perpetual smirk plastered on his face as he sips on his coffee.

"you scared me asshole!" I grumble while begrudgingly sip my coffee.

"well love maybe you shouldn't daydream about me in the kitchen" he winks and I almost choke on my coffee.

"I was not thinking of you Jace Ravello I was thinking about Jayson" I lie trying to defend myself while I take a seat at the breakfast counter next to Jace.

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