Chapter 39

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Antonio's POV

My seven children and I were packed into an old, beat-up minivan on our way to the Hendrix home. The car's headlights were the only thing illuminating the road at this time of night, other than the moonlight at least.

I had one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding my sweet daughter's hand, who had claimed her spot in the passenger's seat much to the twins' dismay. Ava had claimed that she would be the only one alert enough to keep me company during the drive, and while that was true, it was the look that Ava wore that made them concede. They saw how desperate she was to be by my side, to have her father reassure her that there was nothing to worry about.

Ava's eyes were focused on the sideview mirror, her gaze not averting from the car of bodyguards trailing us. I glanced at her for a split second and squeezed her hand. "Amore, it's just a precaution. I swear."

Ava looked away from the mirror, her gaze now lowered to where my hand was still holding hers. "I know. I just hate that we need them."

We won't need them for much longer, my love.

Ava turned towards the back seat, a smile tugging on her lips as she saw her brothers' peacefully sleeping. A small chuckle left Ava's lips as she turned back towards me. "Look at Teddy and Sandro."

My eyes flicked to the rearview mirror, and sure enough, I saw my youngest son curled up on Alessandro's lap, his arms clinging tightly around his neck. Elijah was asleep next to them, his head resting against the window. Leo, Matteo, and Emilio were sleeping in the back, the twins' heads slanted at an uncomfortable angle on Leo's shoulders.

At the beginning of the drive, Teddy had complained and argued about having to share a seat with Alessandro since the minivan only seated seven. There's no way in hell I'm sitting on anyone's lap. I'm not a baby, Dad. I could even drive if you'd let me, but I get it. It's a question of legality, he had said with a slight sternness to his tone.

Ava's fingers fiddled with the rings on my hand as she asked, "How much longer?"

"Just a few more minutes, baby.

We continued driving in silence with Ava continuing to distract herself with the rings on my fingers, her eyes fluttering open and closed as she fought the exhaustion. After a few more minutes of driving, we reached an affluent neighborhood. The road curved until we reached the end of the cul-de-sac where a large gate leading to a two-story house was located. Outside the garage stood my friend, Michael Hendrix, who I hadn't seen since before I was taken by Demetri.

Ava became alert as we stopped at the gate, her eyes narrowing at the house and man illuminated by the headlights. Alessandro and Elijah followed suit, their loud yawns waking Leo, Emilio, and Matteo. "How's this kid still asleep?" Alessandro said, referring to Teddy.

"He has the gift of sleeping through everything, fratello. Why are you surprised?" Ava said with an amused expression.

The gates slowly opened, and I pulled into the driveway. As soon as I brought the minivan to a stop, Michael ran to my side and yanked the door open, pulling me into a bear hug. "I missed you, Tony," he said, squeezing me tight.

Michael withdrew from the hug and held me at arm's length. He looked almost the same as he did the last time I saw him eight years ago. Those same hazel eyes and wide smile but now his once dark brown hair was slightly peppered with gray. He had more wrinkles as well—forehead creases and crow's feet by his eyes. But he still had that same carefree ambience as if fatherhood hadn't taken that from him.

A harsh glare soon took over his expression before he slapped the side of my head. "What the hell took you so long to come visit us? You've been home for almost a year."

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