Chapter 2: "The Tasks"

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(I hope you were excited to read this chapter! Probably this one will bring us to a clarity of how Hana came down to convince Mr. Park to believe that she really was a good secretary;))

He went out the room only to return in a minute or maybe less. His muscles are even more impressive. How can he be so fit for a guy who sits behind a desk all day? He has a six pack, maybe an eight pack, and his stomach is so flat that the veins are visible where they trail under the waistband of his slacks. Hairless, I can't tell if he is naturally that way or waxes. I just couldn't get his image out of my head. He keeps the box on the bed and looks at me.

I've been caught ogling him, and he is amused if anything, and arches one eyebrow as I try to lean back. He's right there though, only an inch or two from me the entire time, and all I can think about is having that hard body pressing down onto me in bed, what it would be like to have his hands lifting me to him, and then that mouth. His lips are full and lush, a deep rosy shade. I wonder what he kisses like? Would it be a gentle kiss, a tease, or would it be hard and demanding, making my own lips swell? What would it be like to have that mouth on my body?

I quickly look away as he makes eye contact.

"What were you thinking?"

When I refuse to answer, he grabs me by the jaw and forces me to meet his eyes.

"Tell me."

"I can't. I don't remember," I lie.

"I think I can guess, since you are having some sort of memory problem. You want me to kiss you. No, not just kiss you. You want me bury my hands in your hair and have my way with your mouth, kissing you until you're ready to pass out from how bad you want me to fuck you. Is that what you want?"

He leans in, hovering. His lips are so close to me that I part my lips for him to take me and he backs away, smirking. If anything, I was so turned on. In a swift move he turns and bends me over the table I was backed up against. My pants are on the floor.

"Stay there, hands on the desk."

Jimin hovers behind me, I can sense when he kneels. My ass is right there in his face as he reaches for my feet, helping me out of my flats and pants.

"You have a very nice ass, Hana" teasing fingers slide along the edge of my panties, barely touching me.

"These panties need to go. They do not match your new outfit, and I can't wait to see you in something more suited for your job training."

I glance at the wetness on my panties as he whisks them down my legs.

"You're wet, Hana." I hear him take a deep breath. "You smell so delicious. I wonder if you taste just as good" Before I realize, a soft moan leaves my lips as he taps my foot and I look that he holds out a new pair of underwear for me to get into.
No sex? Okay, I guess. Then he dresses me in a skirt and a corset. I look something like his personal sex maid but I can't help like how he moves me around.

He hands me a paper as I read what's on it. "Errands? You want me to go out like this?" 
I ask hesitantly as he raises an eyebrow.

"Is that a problem?"

I can't let him scare me like this. "No" I say as confident as possible.

"Do you still take your coffee black, Mr. Park?"
*Time Skip*

I could feel people's eyes on me the entire time I picked up Jimin's laundry and then his coffee from starbucks. 

"Shameless" I heard someone whisper as they covered their daughter's eyes and walked out of the store. I couldn't help but scoff as people stared at me with questioning eyes. I took the stuff and rushed out to my car. As I sat down breathing hard from the stunt I pulled back there I couldn't help thinking that he's obviously practiced, given how he undressed me and ordered me around. Jimin knew exactly what he was doing to me.

My coworkers have accused me of sleeping with him to get this job, even thought it was his father who hired me, but if they only knew what I'm doing now.

I've only slept with one man, and he broke my heart not long after. He just wanted to fuck me and then made sure to shatter me before going. A few months into our relationship, he made sure everyone knew that I was too much effort to be worth it.
My boyfriend got down on one knee at a party, and when everyone turned their attention—thinking he was going to ask me to marry him—he announced I had just been a pity fuck.

"Who could really love someone so broken and sick all the goddamned time?"

he'd said when all eyes were on us.

It's been three years since I'd trusted anyone with that level of intimacy, three years of not letting anyone close enough to touch me, and there I was with my boss this morning: panting and ready for him like I was in heat. I rush to his place before he thinks of punishing me for being late. I don't think I can keep it together for another one of his tease shows like that.

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