Chapter 8: "Is this Final?"

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(Fianlly coming to the end chapter!! I am extremely excited at how you will take the end. I have worked really hard for this series to be successful. My instagram had given me nightmares when My account was banned at 40K but all the love here has given me hope to write!)

If this is how he wants it then this is how I will give it to him.
I carry my bag downstairs with me and set it by the door. I can return this outfit to him tomorrow or change before I go home, whatever he wants me to do.

It doesn't take me long to discover that Jimin isn't home. All the rooms are empty, and I can follow the trail of forgotten lights from whenever he had gone through putting away things last night or this morning. Knowing how he feels about them, I turn out each light on my way back to the kitchen. Something must have happened at work that called him in. He wouldn't have left me here alone otherwise, would he?

I'm halfway through a mug of coffee when my cellphone rings, breaking the house's silence. "Hello?"

"Hana, this is Collette. Mr. Jimin wants to see you in his office first thing this morning. I know your calendar says that you're still on vacation today, but are you available to come in?"

This can't be good if he needs me there. Confused over why he didn't just take me with him earlier, I promise Collette I'm on my way. I take a moment to change into my own clothing and brush my hair back into a loose bun. There's no time for makeup or anything fancy, but with all Jimin has seen of me this week, I don't think he'll mind that I don't look ready for a photoshoot.

He's facing the windows when I arrive, one huge arm up on the wall as he stares out at the skyline. His suit jacket wrinkles in taut lines around his muscles. His other arm rests loosely at his side. It's hard to imagine that this is the room where I first knelt for him. If only I'd known then what I do now as I begged for my job, how foolish I was to think I could take whatever he asked.

What is it that I want now? Can I resume just being his employee? I don't know if I can. I don't even know if it's an option, if all my effort was wasted.

I close his office door and turn the latch before dropping to my knees in the center of the room. "Sir, you called for me here?"

He hasn't turned to look at me yet, but I can see by the way he tightens all over that he heard me. "Jimin, I've thought about everything." He sounds so weary my heart aches. "I run a billion-dollar corporation; I have to put what matters most first in all my thoughts, always. It's how my father created this company and why I've managed to keep it being a success. Last night, I spent hours making a list of what I want, followed by one of what I need. Then, I tried to reconcile how I can have both. When you got into the shower, I went into your room to leave you a note to come here to the office for the final lesson, and I saw something I didn't think I would ever see again."

My back straightens. What the hell did he see?

His hand touches his chest; where his heart rests. "Without her around, my life become so dark," he explains.

I visualize the tattoo he has on his skin; the woman he must have loved in the past. I don't want to hear about this right now. "You don't have to tell me about your ex-girlfriend," I snap. "That's not why I'm here."

He laughs bitterly, finally turning around. "Katerine was my sister." He hesitates, locking his eyes with mine. "My twin."

A buzzing begins in my skull. No, I think. It can't be her. On impulse I touch the scar on my hip, my world turning inside out.

He frowns, saying, "When she died, I gave away her beloved stuffed cat to the only friend my sister had. To a girl whom I knew only through my sister's letters but had to meet even if it could only be the one time." I watch, dumbfounded, as he pulls out his phone and skims through it, searching for something. "This is Katerine, although I think you knew her as Katie." He grabs my hand and helps me to my feet as he shows me a series of old pictures.

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