Chapter 5: "The Punishment"

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(I legit know you all were waiting for this badly! I am shocked at 1k+ reads honestly. Thank you so much. Make sure to drop a comment on your favorite dialogues.)

The bedroom floor is cold beneath my bare legs, making me tremble while he circles around me. The way he felt beneath my hands and mouth when I sucked him is worth this when I think about how we talked at dinner. There's so much more to him, and I want to find out who he really is. I think part of that is what I saw in the book in his private library, the one about a dom and sub.

"I can learn, sir. I can be your good girl." My voice shakes as bad as my hands. "You just have to teach me."

Standing up, I try to keep my eyes on his as I lift my nightgown. He's seen me naked before, when he changed me yesterday, but this is me doing it. This is heavier. His eyes widen, wild and dark as they soak in the view. Curiosity has him frozen, perhaps afraid to move and stop me from what I'm doing. I won't make him wait; I need to at least try this.

"You should spank me so I won't be inclined to make the same mistakes. I messed up," I admit. "I deserve to be punished."

Reaching for him, I grab Jimin's hand and bring it with mine to my backside.

"You don't know what you're asking for,"

he growls, grabbing my hair. It burns, throbbing through my scalp, but I love it. I love that he's doing this, unable to stop himself. Tugging my head back, his face nuzzles my neck, and I whimper for more when he breathes in deeply and growls against my skin.

"If that's what you want."

I shake my head gently. "It's what I need."

I start falling, tugged off balance, and with a thud, I land over his lap as he sits on my bed. Flailing arms barely find purchase when he stills me with a heavy, hot hand in the center of my back.

"You're such a bad girl, Hana."

His hand runs down my spine, just enough pressure to not tickle.

"If you think you can be a good girl, a good listener, I know how to help you."

Long fingers drift down to my ass, fingertips teasing at the heat between my legs.

"You're terrible. I think you wanted this all along. But that's fine, I'll teach you how to mind me, if that's what you need."

"Yes!" I groan. "Please, sir."

"Very well, my naughty Hana. You can be my good girl, can't you?"

The slap of his hand on my ass jostles me, pushing me harder into his lap. Pain blooms a moment later. Yelping, I wriggle away even as the second spanking lands on the other cheek.

"You should see the lovely pink glow your ass is getting."

A third and fourth blow bloom the pain out across my skin.

"Spread your legs a little for me." Another slap connects as soon as I do.

"Good girl."

It's starting to hurt, and I squirm away from each spanking. A heavy hand holds me still, pressing me hard into his lap. "Hold still. I'm not sure you've learned your lesson yet."
His fingers dip between my legs, and there's no resistance. I'm so wet, ready for whatever else he might ask of me.

"You are a dirty girl, aren't you? I think you're enjoying your punishment." His hips lift, and the hard-on beneath me tells me that he's just as into this as I am.

I push down, rubbing my stomach against Jimin's erection. This time the spanking is on my labia, and I squeal, earning me a chuckle.

"Do you want me to touch you here?" He parts my slit with two fingers, trailing them in my wetness down to my clit, circling it once before withdrawing his hand.

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