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Complete and utter silence.

Cold and frightening, all rolled into one complete package.

A lord of death, a king of souls.

A God of Ghosts.

That is where he stands, never dead but never alive, everywhere yet nowhere, seeing everything and nothing. This is the cursed existence he lives by.

No matter where he goes he gets met with eyes filled with fear, greetings laced with reluctance, actions carefully thought out lest they risk incurring his wrath. That's all he was. A symbol of death and fear.

A Mad Executioner.

Presiding over the underworld has never been an easy job, so when the moment that Hades possessed the qualifications he quickly passed it on, leaving him to do his old job.
He wandered the realms unrestricted, from the angelic lands of Paradise to the demonic hellscape of Inferno. He's gone there and seen it in its entirety.

Connections were formed due to this, resulting in him knowing every god to ever exist, and ever will exist thanks to the various gods of fate. Yet his time was cut short as he was summoned by the beings he detested the most.

The Moirai, the three fates, whatever you call them doesn't matter, not to him at least. Now he's here in their halls, Life Goddess trailing behind him, as he hears what the fates have to say.



What a novel concept, using gods to slay gods. Why hasn't anyone thought of this before? This could change everything!

Or so most thought.

The thought of being able to slay beings of the divine must've run through your head once or twice, yes? Just imagining the raw and unrivaled power coursing through your veins makes your brain give you all the happy chemicals, right? Power to render the immortals mortal is empowering.

But at the end of the day, what does it matter? Gods will be replaced by other gods, that's just how the cycle goes. The only way to be rid of the beings known as "Gods" will have to be an event that sends a butterfly effect throughout space time.

The Architect knows this, The Observer knows this, hell even He knows this.

Doomsday is on a timer, and everyone's days are numbered.

In his mind all he pictures are unending destruction, deaths numbering by the thousands, everyone around him will die. And all who can live through it are a select few.
And unfortunately, he's one of them.

No, I shouldn't be thinking of this, not yet at least, he thinks as he's called by his fellow Godslayer.

All I gotta do is my job, nothing more, nothing less.


Silence was broken.

A plea for help rang out, barely reaching his ears.
He turns and leans to the side, the wall hiding his body still.

"Please... Mercy....!"
"After all the trouble you caused me, you dare ask for my mercy!?"

The beaten man cries as he's beaten continuously, bruises and wounds forming on his skin.

He tenses, prepared to help the man, but a thought rang out:
It isn't my job, why should I step in? I get nothing from this, so why do I feel so compelled?

Shaking these thoughts away he grasps the wealthy looking man by the throat, his skeletal hand barely wrapping around the man's pudgy neck.

"What're ya-" The man barely makes out before his soul is painfully taken away, stowed in one of his many coat pockets.

"Are... Are you God?" The beaten man shakily asks.
"No, I'm not." He remarks with a small laugh.
"Tell me," He continues, "what's your name, young man?"

He looks at him, "Jeremiah..."
"No last name?" He inquires
"No, I- I'm an orphan." is the answer he receives.

He recoils a little bit, "And I'm guessing that man over there worked you to the bone?"
The beaten man nodded, small tears gathering in his eyes.
"Say, do you have any dreams that you want fulfilled?" He asks as the man turns his head in shock.
"I may not be God but," He holds out his skeletal hand. "I'm pretty damn close."

The man looked at him in surprise, but answered his question, "Ever since hearing the tunes played by instruments, I always dreamt of being a musician, instead of... well, this."

"Take my hand, I'll show you the greatest musicians to have ever existed."
And the man does, as his soul is gently torn from his mortal vessel he was led to the afterlife, one that would surely grant that small wish.

"God, huh?" He muses as he walks back to the portal. "Wonder when they'll take responsibility for this?" He asks no one, as he steps through the portal.

And disappears.


Silence rang true once more, as the Moirai gaze on the chained god.

"Causality," Three unified voices boomed. "You have incurred divine wrath and punishment for neglecting the weave." They pause, "What say you?"

The god looks up, confusion evident on their face, "... What...?"

"Even now, you try to deny what you've done?!"

The god pales, "N- No... that's not what I..." their words die in their throat as they face the sharp gaze of the Moirai.

"You still attempt to defend yourself after what you've done. Looks like there's no other choice. Divide!" They exclaim to the godslayer.
"Tear out pieces of their divinity," The fate's eyes gain a sharp glint. "One. By. One."

The silence was broken by agonizing screams.

After the 4th leg was torn out all that's left is a broken god, dried tears and blood covering their face, all the while they mutter, "sorry...".

The fates' gaze turns to the other godslayer.
"We assign you one last task, to contain them. No matter the method, they must never go berserk. Are we clear on that?"

"Crystal." He mutters in a calm voice. But his thoughts tell a different tale,
Once your time is due, I will be there to make you fall, once that's over....

The silence shall reign once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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