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Sky's P.O.V

"Harry! Put me down!" "Not until you say 'Harry is the best kisser and he's so hot'." "Never!" "In that case." He lifted me off his shoulder and through me into the pool. I swam to the surface. It's kind of hard cause I have on regular clothes on. "Styles! I'm gonna kill you!" He just laughed. I get out and I feel like my body is ten times heavier. "You didn't say what I told you to so there was consequences.", he says. I flip him off and go inside to change. I go to my room and get a towel. I grab a tank top and shorts(bra and underwear included.) I quickly dry myself off and  change. I tie my wet hair into a messy bun and walk downstairs. Harry is laying on the couch with his eyes closed. "Harry?" No answer. I smile and walk to the kitchen. I take out whipped cream and put a lot if it in my hand. I walk over to him and slap him as hard as I can. He gasps and gets up. I laugh uncontrollably. He smiles and kisses cheek. "Karma is a bitch, Styles." He laughs and says "Yeah I know." We ended up watching movies and cuddling.

I wish I can tell you that Harry was always like this. But I can't.  He's only this playful when he's in a good mood. Which rarely happends. This is the story about how I fell in love with Harry Styles

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