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This is typed on my phone, So please excuse errors.

Chapter 4: Tears & Truths

(Not Edited)

The first thing I felt was the coolness on my arms. They were numb, like I put my arms in freezing ice water. I shook my hand, hoping to get the circulation started again. My eyes slowly blinking open to the bright streams of sunlight flooding into the room. Then I noticed the dark blue curtains surrounding the room.

Wait I don't have curtains......or a king-sized bed.

I shoved myself from the sheets that surrounded me and took a look around the unfamiliar room. Placing one foot on the ground and then the other, ignoring the cold air. I crept silently through the foreign room. I sprinted towards the front door and opened it, I glanced at the plush carpets and the evident number listed on the front of my door. I was in a hotel. I crossed my arms, feeling the rough jagged that had formed upon them. I gasped, whilst looking at the scars that stained my skin.

Wait, where did I get these.

I slowly closed the door, twisting the lock. My mind was racing, then I tripped over the long pink dress that graced my body. Grunting I pushed my face from the dark carpets And then I remembered...all of it. The tears, the screams, and the ....pain. I closed my eyes, I had fainted last night. I ran my hands down the embroider designs etched so skillfully upon the pink cloth of my dress. My head was pounding and I was in a severe case of an Advil. I tip-toed silently through the room trying to find hints to where I could possibly be. But at the end I came out empty handed, it was like there was no one here. So I sighed with a look of defeat. I might have some time to fix my hair and face before I try to head back home. I slowly pushed myself from the soft duvet, I was perching on, and started toward the attached bathroom.

Glancing around, my eyes settled upon the hotel logo, designed on the lavender hand wash.

Waterway Hotels

My eyes grew wide, in recognition; I knew who that was. Hell, everybody did. This was the classiest, most expensive hotel service, even remotely close to Cathaway. It was actually in Salem, the tourist attraction, next door to our small town. The town being known for its history of witch trials, though we were just as much important....at least we thought. We were like the ugly stepchild that no one noticed. Then the real problem settled into my thoughts. I was in a different town with no ride, how the hell was I going to get home?

Nandi, focus on the task at hand.

I glanced at mirror, ready to see the horror of my face. But what I was greeted with was not even half as bad as what I had expected. My eyes were red and puffy from the late night tear fest and I sported black lines under my eyes from the mascara. My hair was a messy and slightly out of place, but the fact that it was intended to be a messy bun did help with the overall effect. Aside from the smudged makeup and slightly ruffled hair, I was in pretty good condition. First I washed my face, scrubbing the tears and pink from my face. It took much longer than I intended, it was as if I was washing a grape juice strained shirt. Pretty much impossible.

Then I grabbed the hotel complimentary toothbrush set and used it to scrub the foul taste of morning breath from my mouth. Lastly, I pulled the hundreds of bobby pins that were stuffed into my hair, to help it hold it place. I tried to run my hand through the stiff knots, that had formed in the long raven black waves that fell down my back. I needed to take a shower and change my clothes also. Though I loved the outfit, it was quite uncomfortable and I didn't feel quite in the mood to be walking through the streets wearing a flashy dress like the one I was sporting. It was like I was either looking for attention or asking to get robbed. Both options didn't seem quite appealing.

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