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Fresh Beginnings & New Environments  


The first thing I noticed when I took a look into the world Braxton lived in were the people.

There were many people, so many different people. I wasn't sheltered from the world where I lived, I knew that America was a melting pot of people. I had traveled to Salem, which had some diversity of people as well. I have just never seen it like this, the people were different. And this.. this thing I'm feeling....could I say happiness? I don't know...no, it was assurance? I couldn't place a word for it, all I knew was that I liked it.

I was probably overthinking the whole ordeal. But,‍ I was fine with that. Just fine.

"Sir, we will be arriving in 10 minutes." I glance up at the chubby middle-aged man driving the car. His name was Gerald from what I remember.

Braxton merely nodded in his direction before severing his eyes toward me. "You are still shaking."

It had been my first time on a plane and the experience left me quite a bit shaken. Don't get me wrong, the pilot was wonderful and the comfort was to the max but the idea of flying so high above the ground was unsettling. Even though it had been at least a solid hour since my feet touched the ground, the shock is yet to leave me.

"It was just a bit new for me, that's all." I offered Braxton a weak smile.

He purses his lips at me glance back at my shaking hands. I clench them hard in hopes of stopping the reaction but to no avail. Then a strong warm hand is placed above my own and I sucked in a fast breath.

I turn my head back toward the man sitting next to me. His eyes were focused on the screen of his phone but his right hand still clutched tightly onto mine. The warmth of the hand seeped into mine and I couldn't help but clutch right back onto his hand. No, no I wanted to hold on to his because right now he is all I have.


"So, this is your place?" Her eyes automatically race to the ceiling to floor windows that lined the side of my wall.

"Yes, it's honestly been quite a while since I actually came here."

"Oh" I was obvious that her thoughts were elsewhere as she walks closer to the window and places a delicate hand against it. She glances back at me with her eyes wide, "what if you fall out?"

I merely chuckle and walking toward her. "It's very sturdy, don't worry about it."

Nanditha quickly draws her attention away from the window and starts to look around the house. She looked around slowly marveling at the precise detail in every object of the penthouse. Vanessa absolutely loved designing houses, it was her dream. She was finishing up her interior designing course when she had met Andre, and that dream became just a lasting memory.

"Um, Braxton?" I clear my mind of my wandering thoughts and refocus on the woman in front of me. Her eyes were casted toward the ground and her voice was barely audible.


"Um, where am I going to stay?"

My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. "With me of course."

Her cheeks flare red and her eyes remain at the floor. "But, there's only one room."

I couldn't hold back the small smirk that plays it's way onto my face. "Well, I guess we'll just have to share."

Her eyes grew wide and her head snaps up to me with lightening speed. She was flustered.

"I was just kidding. I'll take the couch, you can take the bed." I start to pull her suitcase towards the bedroom. I could hear the soft padding of her feet as she followed me.

"I'm fine with sleeping on the couch."

"If you really want to argue with me I can but just know I'll win the argument."

There was silence that followed.

I opened the door to my bedroom and turn around to watch her walk in. The concept of the room was simple; everything was white, black and silver. It was quite a simple room and I enjoyed it. It was nice to come back to this room the few times I'm at my home. I have almost always spent my time traveling and switched between different hotels.

"Just sleep here till I have the other room cleaned out. I guess I never thought of another person living with me."

She takes a step closer into the room admiring the beauty. My words probably going right over her head.

"The towels are in the cabinet inside the bathroom. There should be an extra toothbrush in there as well. We can go buy anything else you'll need tomorrow. We need to buy you some dresses, anyway."

"I really don't need anything else, I have a couple of my own."

My eyes train directly on her and I speak with a purpose. "Nanditha you are going to be Mrs. Blackwell soon. The way you portray yourself represents me."

I step closer to her small body, fighting the need to pull her close in my embrace. "To show them exactly why I pick this woman as my other half."

Her eyes find me mine and her brown orbs were focus so deeply on my own. She let out a slow breath but her eyes never flickered away from mine. "Mrs. Blackwell... huh."

I could only give her a small smile. I didn't make sense what we were doing... what I was doing but whatever this was it felt right. I could think of the hundreds of problems that lay ahead of us but they also seemed like a century away. All I knew was this moment I had the woman I wanted in front of me.

"Call me if you need anything, I'll be in the study." I slowly walk out the room making sure to close it completely and quickly made my way to the study. It was after I closed the door that I let the happiness I had kept in to overtake my senses.

Mrs. Blackwell.



After I had taken my shower and unpacked the few things I wanted to put out it was close to midnight and drowsiness slipped into my head. With tired eyes, I made my way to the large plush bed that was waiting for my arrival.

Sinking into the silk sheets, I let the warmth encase me and my eyes slowly fall to close.

I woke up at two in the because my parched throat was begging me for some water to quench its thirst.

I flipped the dark comforter away from my bday and padded across the wooden floor to the bedroom door. I swiftly make my way to the kitchen trying to make little to no sounds. I didn't want to wake him.

I opened up the fridge and grabbed the chilled water bottle waiting inside. There wasn't anything in the fridge except the water bottles and bottles of unopened beers. What were to eat for breakfast? He ate outside every day?

I'd have to do something about this later, there was no way I would let someone eat outside so often.

I glanced across the hall to the slightly opened study. Against my rational decision I swiftly made my way to the door. My goal was unknown but my heart pounded faster and my footsteps felt heavier as I walked to the study. As I walked to him.

I push the slightly ajar door and against the far left wall behind the deep chocolate desk was where he was. Even as he was sleeping there was this indescribable grace to his posture. His head leaned back into the large black plush chair and his arms folded across chest. But, the usual stern expression was nowhere to be found. He look years younger in his peaceful state, he looked carefree. The usually perfectly styled hair was gone and he swapped his perfectly pressed suit for a casual long-sleeved cotton shirt and a pair of sweats.

My heart bested a little faster as I saw him like this. After, constantly seeing him in his perfect attire for years. I had always felt waves of inferiority whenever I was near him. However now it felt comfortable.

I silently walked back to my room and then made my way back to the large study. This time armed with a grey blanket. I wordlessly placed it over his body and slowly closed his laptop. Taking a step towards the door, I turn around one last time.

"Goodnight Braxton Blackwell."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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