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You've Changed

A leaf fell down on your lap as you were peacefully enjoying the moment yourself.

Picking it up, you stared at it for a while when suddenly a person pop up behind you.

"What is my lady doing alone here?"

Kazuha asked calmly as he sat down beside you.

You glanced at him but soon looked away with a heavy sigh. You've been here for quite awhile now, just staring at the sky and...thinking.

"Something troubling you (y/n)?"

He asked once again.

You thought about it for awhile.

"Nothing's troubling me, thank you for worrying though. I was just- thinking"

He hummed then put gently his hand on top of yours. You stared at him in surprised. He usually never does this.

"Whatever it is that's troubling my lady, just so you know that you can tell me everything and I'll always be here to comfort you"

You intertwined your hand with his tightly and smiled a little.

"I'm lucky to have you as my best friend Kazuha"

He smiled back at you with his cute close eyed smile.

Scaramouche's POV

'Ugh... I'm stuck with this two again'

I walked ahead of them two as usual. It's tiring enough to be stuck with them always.

As I was walking, my eyes can't helped but followed her figure. I sighed deeply before looking away..

I wondered, why she ended everything.

Simply shaking my head a little. I tried to get her out of my mind.

"Hey isn't that (y/n)?"

I heard Signora questions but I only ignored it but someone had to ruin my mood today. And that someone is Childe. Who else?

"Hey girlie! Missed us?"

Childe walked up to her along with Signora. I planned on hiding but Childe dragged me with them.

'What a morning...'

She stopped midway upon hearing Childe's voice but kept her eyes away from us.

"What do you want Tartaglia?"

Finally he let go of my arm to act dramatic at the name.

"It's Childe~"

He said, dramatically holding both her shoulder.

"Uh...fine, Childe. Now can you stop whining? I've got other things to do right now"

She was about to walk away but my stupid mouth suddenly decided to interrupt her.

"You've got time for other things but not in academics? Don't you know you're failing lately"

'stupid mouth'

"Can you shut the fuck up sometime? You don't know anything about me"

She spoke and looked at me with hatred.

With that. She completely walked away.

I looked at Signora and Childe who just stood there.

"Ugh I'm skipping don't even try to follow me"

I said then walk away as well.

I went to the rooftop where we used to hangout and debate things.

We used to be close but also rivals. I didn't know what had happened to us, more importantly to her.

I can only sighed at the current situation we are in.

"Oh? You're skipping too, What a coincidence I am too"

Mona? It's rare for her to skip a subject considering how she loves science so much.

"I thought science was your thing"

She sat down but kept her distance at me. Understandable, I slandered her astrology theory once.


Silence slowly surrounds us both.

Minutes passed by without any conversation.

It stayed like that.

I got bored so I decided to listen to some music.

Upon listening to some songs, I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

"What is it?"

I annoyingly asked at her.

"Shhh...shut up"

She then proceeds to point by the wall beside which is close to the exit.

I decided to look at where she's been pointing at and I wish I hadn't witnessed it.

'So this is what she meant earlier...? Huh'





(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a month since I started dating- this guy.

I plainly stared at our hands together. We've been together for a month but why does it feel strange holding his hand?

Everything I do with him, they all feel strange. It's like- being with a stranger you've just met all over again. It feels weird...

"Are you sure it's ok to skip with me?"

I quietly asked.

"If I can be with you, then I'm fine with it"

I just hummed at this.

'should I just break up with him?'

'But I'll just end up hurting him...'

'Ugh...but I don't want to be left by him first'

He looked surprised when I suddenly let go of his hand.

"There's something...I need to tell you"

I nervously glanced my eyes away from him. I'm afraid of what reaction he'll show of my next statement.

"Everything's been strange lately. Everything we do is so strange to me. It feels like I don't know you...what I'm trying to say is, maybe it's time for you to let go of me and find someone who is much better worth than me"

'I finally said it!'

I gave back the ring he gave me and ran outside the rooftop.

3rd's POV

The guy was so shocked and mad that he threw the ring away.

"Poor guy...what happened to (y/n) anyways? She's such a jerk there for a minute"

Mona said while feeling sorry for the guy.

While Mona is thinking of finding the ring later to maybe sell it since it's such a precious thing. Scaramouche has nothing to say to what had happened just now. Does he even care?

"Hey flat earther! I thought you're skipping? It's still not breaktime"

"Whatever...broke astrology lover"





'What made you changed so much? Tell me...did something happened that I didn't know?'

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