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"Let's Run Away, Together"

"I am a mess! Don't you get it?! I killed someone...and yet, you're here"

(y/n) shakes her head. 'that's not true..'

"We both are a mess scara, but we'll make it work out eventually ok? I like you..."

"No you don't...take back what you said!"

Scaramouche slowly backed away. He didn't want to believe her, she still loves Aether no matter what she said right now. Maybe she's just confuse.., right?

"Maybe you're feelings are a mess right now after all, but maybe this feelings of mine is saying the truth"

She held both his shoulders as they locked eyes with each other.

"Scaramouche, let's run away together!"


Scaramouche slowly opened his eyes.

'of course it's only a dream..'

He didn't even notice that he fell asleep- in class, he glanced at the window beside his seat the sun kissing his face.

(y/n) couldn't help but stare at him...she thought that his face looks very familiar but why did she only noticed it today..? She couldn't pin point where she saw that familiar face...was it in her childhood?

"It's rare not to see Kazuha with you today (y/n)" Mona whispered.

"Did something happened between you too?"

She couldn't say anything..,it was too overwhelming to her. (y/n) didn't want to turn her back from him, he was also her friend- bestfriend even. How could he do such thing? He's a nice person isn't he? He was...

"Scaramouche was your childhood friend right?"

Mona has a red tint on her cheeks. It's obvious she likes him.

"Mhm..yeah, we are- why'd you asked?"

(y/n) slightly smiled?, now Mona is really curious. She is having this thoughts-

'does she likes him too?'

'Have she confessed already and are together now?'

And so on..

"I just wondered what he was like when he was a kid, I'm sure he isn't as gloomy as he is today.., right?"

Mona shook her head and confuses (y/n).

"He's always so gloomy, always by himself. I don't know why we became friends in the first place because I thought he would refuse my offer..."

"But he surprisingly agreed and I got to know him better, he is not what you thought he is. He is a good person and that's why I started to like him..."

' I was wrong? Maybe it's just my mind thinking that was him' (y/n) thought to herself.


"Please forget what I said at the end!"

Mona covered her flushed face with her hands, (y/n) found it kinda cute of her. She chuckled a little and says...

"Ok ok haha"

Of course Scaramouche didn't miss any of this event. He missed your laugh and smile, he wanted to hear and see them once again with only you and him..

Suddenly he felt his head ached a little and his surroundings becoming blurry.



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