Chapter 1

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"Mom! Lisa's called me over to her house after school today, I'll be going there and come back in the evening" y/n shouted from her room

"Ok honey! But for now, the bus will be here soon so eat your breakfast right now!" Her mom spoke

Y/n rushed over with her bag and her shoes in her hands as she was in a hurry. She gobbled down the bowl of cereal whilst putting in her shoes.

Luckily, she finished just on time. The bus honked and y/n ran outside frantically.

"Take care" her mom waved at her

Y/n went into the bus and took her regular seat, near the window. As she stayed up all night watching kdramas, she fell asleep on the bus. With her head against the window.

The bus stopped and her best friend came in and sat next to y/n.

"I bet you were watching Doom at your service all night. I checked the messages you spammed me saying 'Omg he's so hot' 'they are the cutest couple' blah blah blah" he chuckled

"Hyunjin! Stop talking, let me sleep" y/n mumbled in her sleep

"Ok ok fine" hyunjin laughed

The whole bus ride, he was watching her sleep in awe. The bus finally arrived at Seoul high school and university.

Hyunjin woke up y/n and they walked outside, towards the building together.

As they reached their lockers, screams of girls were heard. It indicated that the hot, rich, cold and famous boys had arrived.

"Ah typical fan girls" hyunjin sighed

"I really don't understand why someone would try to get along with someone who is cold to them. Those fan girls look pathetic trying to beg for attention when they clearly know they won't get any" y/n said

"Look, here comes the crowd" hyunjin pointed

The owners of this school came in through with people surrounding them. BTS.

Everyone was crowding the place. Hyunjin and y/n stood far back from the chaos.

Namjoon, one of the members of bts, looked at them as they were the only ones not crowding the place.

Hyunjin turned y/n by her shoulders and took her hand and walked away from the scene to their classes. He always told y/n to never even be near those people.

Because you never know what can happen with them.

The hyung line split up with the maknae line and went to the other joined building which was the university. The maknae line went to their private room.

The bell rang and the teacher came in.

Hyunjin sat next to y/n because the bell had already rang meaning her boyfriend might not come. He was relieved and sat down at her boyfriend's place instead.

"Hey Lisa" y/n greeted her who was sitting in front of her

"Hey!" She smiled

In a few minutes, y/n's boyfriend walked in obviously late. He earned a big ass lecture form the teacher before he went in his seat which was next to y/n.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he got up from that seat and sat behind y/n.

"Hey babe" he kissed her cheek

"Hi Jihun" y/n said

Hyunjin rolled his eyes once more before the teacher began her lesson.

It was biology and the teacher had just announced a project everyone would do in groups. The project was important as the marks from it would be counted in their grades.

"Now everyone please decide among yourselves on your group as I assume you would be mature enough to do so" the teacher spoke

"Hey y/n! Me and you!" Hyunjin exclaimed

"Ohhh yes! Jihun join our group" y/n said to him

"I hope he says no" hyunjin thought

"Babe please!" Y/n showed her puppy eyes

"Alright, no one can say no to you and your cuteness. I'm in" jihun said

"Damn it!" Hyunjin cursed under his breath

"We need one more about Lisa?" y/n asked

"Sure ask her and then let's make a plan to meet somewhere" Jihun said

The bell rang and the students went to their assigned classes. The next class was maths but Jihun had chemistry so they kissed each other and went separate ways. Hyunjin had a different class too. So Lisa was the only one with y/n.

Y/n and Lisa entered the maths classroom and sat down in their usual spots. The class door banged opened and walked in was the Kim taehyung followed by Jungkook, two members of bts.

They both sat at the back and didn't care to even greet the teacher when she walked in. The teacher began the lesson nevertheless, knowing they could get her fired in less than a second.

During class, someone threw a paper ball at y/n. She picked it up and opened it.


"Huh?" Y/n thought confusedly

She put the paper in her side pocket of her bag as she didn't get what it was anyway.

Y/n went to Lisa's house like she had informed her mom. Y/n and Lisa were eating food when Lisa's mom walked in.

Lisa's mom and her mom were best friends and so like mother like daughter.

"Congrats dear" Lisa's mother exclaimed

"What?" Y/n asked, obviously confused

"I'm talking about the marriage of course. She called me in the morning and told me about it! I'm so happy for her" Lisa's mom spoke

"Who's marriage!?" Y/n asked

"Mom make it make sense" Lisa told her

"Oh, I think she didn't tell you. You know what, go home and ask your mother. I'm sure her she'll have the answer" Lisa's mom spoke

First chapter!
There's more to come
💜 Borahae! 💜

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