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Jaan told Avu that Sid has called them in his office.
They went in his office and saw two people were already in his office.
J: Bhai why did u call us here?
S: Come, I'll tell u.
They came and sat in front of Sid.
S: So, This is Mr. and Mrs. Singhania.
Mr. And Mrs. Gave them a smile. 😊 and Janneet returned it too.
S: And this is Jannat and Avneet, our head designers.
Janneet: Hi
Mr. and Mrs. S: Hello
S: We have to design for their Son's wedding.
Janneet: Ok
S: Mr. And Mrs. Singhania, u can see their designs and choose which designer do u want. Well, I would say both of them are really talented.
He showed them Janneet's designs.
Mr.S: I think I like Ms. J-
S:U can  ask-
They both spoke at the same time.
Mr. S and S: U were saying smthing?
S: I was saying that u can take these designs at ur house and show it to ur son.
Mr. S: It's a good idea
Mrs. S: We will tell u our decision till tomorrow.
S: Ok
They left.
J: I am sure they'll like my designs.
S: U both are good desiners so, I can't say anything.
J: I want to talk to you bhai.
S: Yeah, Say.
She eyed towrds Avu
S: What? Say?
J: Umm..... Alone.
S: ohk. Umm..... Avneet plz can u-
A: Sure Siddo..arth Sir.
J: Siddoarth?
A(changing the topic) : I would take ur leave sir.
She left
S: What do u want to say?
J: Bhai I want to design for Mr. And Mrs. Singhania's son's wedding.
J(cuts him) : Bhai I don't want Avneet to think that she is better than me.
S: Jaan try to understand, u are not here bcz u are my sister but bcz of ur talent. Ok? So, no relationships in office.
J: But Bhai! Just once. I don't want my opponent-
S(cuts her) : Opponent? Well, she is not ur opponent.
J: She is!
S: No Jaan, U have to work like a team not like competetors!
J: Bhai-
S: Get to work Jaan!
She stomps her foot on the floor and left.
S: I hope they don't create problems between them. It won't be good for company as well as their career.
A few hours later.
Avu's side
She was doing her work when  a peon came in
Peon: Ma'am
A: Yes?
Peon: Sir has called the everyone for meeting.
A: Ok, I am coming.
She came in Sid's office and got settled in a seat beside Jannat.
Jannat looked at her.
Avu gave her a smile Jannat also gave her a smile but fake one.
Sid's P.A came near him.
U can imagine his P. A, he is a random guy.
P. A: Sir everyone is here.
S: Good afternoon everyone.
Everyone: Good afternoon Sir.
S: So, I have called this staff meeting to tell you that The Nigam Empires has reached a great height. The previous month we received the award of the second best designing company. Now, neither I want to stay at this position nor I want it to get decreased. I want our company level to get raised up and it can only happen If we have team work.
He said 'team work' looking at Jannat.
S: It can only happen if we don't see our employees as competetor but as a partner. Don't get jealous from others success instead find ur happiness in theirs. Their success is not only their success but our company's. Understood everyone?
Everyone except Jannat: Yes sir.
S: Don't u come in everyone Jannat?
J(uninterested tone): Understood Sir
S: Hmm Better. Now as I was talking about unity and team work, let's have a staff LUNCH.
He said emphasizing the word 'lunch' and looking towards Avu.
While having lunch
Avu was sitting beside Sid.
A(whisper to Sid) : Nice idea of having lunch together. I didn't thought you are so Smart.
S(whispers back) :Yeah, I am.
Sid slowly moved his hand towards Avu's upper thigh and started caressing it.
Avu jerked his hand away and sent him a death glare.
Sid smirked.
He again moved his hand towards Avu's thigh.
A: I have finished my lunch Sir. Now I would like to take ur leave and concentrate on my work as u said we have to raise the level of our company. Right?
S: Ok Avneet. U can leave in fact I think everyone has done their lunch so, everyone can get back to their work.
The next day
Sid called Janneet in his office as Mr. and Mrs.Singhania came their to choose their desinger.
In his office:
S: So, Mr and Mrs. Singhania, what decision have u taken?
Mrs. We liked Ms. J.......




End of the Chapter
Sorry for the short chapter.
Whom will they choose?
Thank u💞
Luv u 😘
Bye 👋

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