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A: Can u smell something burning something like a wire?
She made a serious face.
S: No Avu.
A: O! No no no it's not a wire it's just u who are burning with jealousy😂😂
S: Are u done?
A: Not yet.
Sid narrowed his eyes and moved closer to Avu.
S: So Ms.Nandra is it a way u talk to ur boss?
A: Sid! If u have a clock then u can see that office timings are over.
So u are not my boss, baby.
S: Hmm.... So now tell ur boy friend that why we're u sticking with that pig?
Avu moved forward and encircled her arms around him.
S: What? Answer me!
A: Don't u believe me?
She asked with a disappointed look.
S: Maddo! It's not like I don't believe u but I was.... I... I was just.. Ugh! Ok, I agree that I was jealous!
Avu smirked
A: And I love to make u jealous, my possessive boy friend.
She pecked his lips
The door opens but Sidneet were too engrossed in each others eyes to notice it. Still Avu's arms were around Sid and And Sid's arms were around Avu's waist.
The person took his/her phone and click a pic of them. The flash of camera broke the eye contact between Sidneet.
They got apart and looked at the person shyly.
Person: What was happening here?
A: Umm.... Nothing much.
Person: O! Really?
S: Will u shut up Jaan?
J: I will but how will u make this pic shut up?
Sid tried to take her phone but she ran away.
Sidneet started running behind Jannat.
But their foot got tripped and they fell on floor. Avu was at top of Sid.
Jannat took their one more pic.
Sidneet looked at Jannat.
She giggled.
J: Bhai, I am not giving u the phone! Now get up! Oops u would be enjoying ur position. Right?
S: Shut up!
They stood straight.
S: Jaan give me ur phone Yaar!
J: No!
S: At least send me those pics!
Avu looked at him in disbelief.
J: Ok!
She sent those pics to him.
A: U should make her delete those pics!
S: Why to delete Avu? See they are so cute. I will show them to our kids.
He showed her the pics and Avu blushed.
J: Now let's go?
S: Yeah!
A: Bye guys!
S and J: Bye Maddo/ Avi.
They left for their respective houses.
Next day:
Sid was sitting in his office when a guard came in.
Guard: Good morning Sir, sm1 came to meet you.
S: Who?
Guard: Mr.Rahul Singhania
S: Ok send him in😑
Guard: Ok sir.
Guard went and sent Rahul inside.
Ra: Hi Mr. Nigam
S: Hello Mr.Pi- umm... Mr. Rahul. I think ur dresses were done so u here?
Ra: Ya, I came here to invite u.
S:(in mind) I don't want to go at his wedding but it will look to rude if I say no. (To Rahul) I will surely come there.
Ra: Thanks, here's the card.
Sid smiled and took the card.
Rahul left.
End of the Chapter
Thank u 💞
Luv u 😘
Bye 👋

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