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Sid's POV
Finally Ashi came and helped us to get inside in our house.
Sa: Let's eat dinner! I am hungry!
A: Hmm... Come Sid.
S: I am tired soo.... I am going to sleep.
A: But-
I left.
I can't stand there anymore.
I went in my room and closed the door.
I took my phone and called the doctor.
Doc: Hello Mr. Nigam.
S: Hello Doctor.
Doc: What happened? Why did u call me?
S: Umm.... I wanted to confirm if Abhinav is fine. Has his parents reached?
Doc: Yeah! yeah!  We called his mother and his parents came here and don't worry Abhinav is alright. He'll be discharged in a week.
S:A week? Why?
Doc: See bcz he has got some injuries and needs proper care and complete bed rest. There's nothing to worry bcz injuries are not deep they are normal injuries that anyone would get if he/she meets an accident. Plz don't worry.
S: Thanks doctor. Umm.... Can I make a request to u doctor?
Doc: Yeah sure.
S: Umm.... Can u... Keep giving me his recovery updates? Um... Without informing anyone?
Doc: But why?
S: Plz... It's a request at personal level. Plzzzz.
Doc: Umm.... Ohk Mr. Nigam if u say so.
S: Thanks doctor Thank u so much. Have a good night.
Doc: Same to u Mr. Nigam.
I cut the call.
At least now I will keep getting my Champ's details.
I sighed and walked to the balcony.
What type of situation I am stuck in? Champ is laying on hospital bed and I... I am at my home.
I could have stayed there but I didn't want to face Ritvik and Bhai.
Tears rolled down my cheeks when I recollected all the memories of me with my brothers and Vaish bhabi and Champ. I used to play with Champ whole day long! And today I have to leave him alone!
Life was so perfect before I went for that business trip.
I had Avu,Bhai, Bhabi,Champ Rit-Ritvik.
I closed my eyes. The thing that came in front of me was Avu's crying face. Her tears when Ritvik did that shit thing! Even if I want to then also I can't forget what he did and forgive him and move on. Never...
I heard the door opening.
I quickly wiped off my tears. I knew it is Avu.
She went in the washroom. I knew she was also feeling bad for leaving Champ like this. Ugh! Sid u made Avu feel that u are sad and now she will make fantasies in her mind that all that happened is bcz of her, as usual. I don't know why she thinks like this! She was not at fault!
I sighed.
I need to check her.
I knocked at her door.
A: Hmm?
S: Are u fine?
A: Y..yes! Yes!
S:Come on... Let's sleep.
A: Hmm.... Coming
I laid on the bed and tried to act normal.
After a while Avu came.
S: Umm... Let's sleep!
A: Hmm
She cuddled with me and soon drifted off to sleep.
I kissed her forehead.
S: I luv u Maddo.
Soon, I slept in her embrace.
End of the Chapter
Thank u 💞
Luv u 😘
Bye 👋

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