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Avu finished her work and they went for lunch.

The next day:

Avu was roaming from one side to another.
She went in the balcony.

A(in mind): Who could it be??

Sid came and back hugged her.

S: Avu is smthing bothering you?

A: Hmm....umm.... No!

S: Cmon Avu! I am sry but I heard ur talk with Vaish bhabi.
Just tell me Avu why did u want Akhilesh's no.? What is that you want to tell me?

A: Sid actually....

S: Wait first answer me honestly whatever I ask u. Will u?

A: hmm

S: Is smthing bothering u?

A: Hmm

S: And do u wanna discuss it?


S: Hmm?

A: Sid....Sid I'll tell u everything but listen to me carefully and then react.

S: Hmm

A: Ritz is innocent.

S: Avu... Again?

A: Sushhh! First let me speak... Plz

Sid sighs

A: When I and Abhinav went for a lunch we met Angel di and Ritz over there and we made a plan to reunite our family.

S: Which is practically impossible!

A: Sid....Just listen!

A: flashback:

V: Muskan
A: Ya di?
V: Don't u think we should do something to reunite our family?
A: Hmm.... But how?
R: Maybe we can try....convincing Sid bhai?
AN: No use...I have observed he even hates listening ur name.

Flashback Pause

S: Well, that's true!
A: Sid!

Flashback resume:

Ri didn't had any courage to speak bcz he knew that whatever happened was due to him. He was the reason of all problems.
A: There is only one way to persuade him.
V: What?
A: Proving Ri innocent.
V: How is it even possible?
AN: How will we prove him what he is not!?

Flashback pause
S: Exactly!
S: K, sry
Flashback resume

V: Abhinav u better keep quiet!
A: Ri do u remember whatever happened that day when u went out of the house?
R: Ya!
A: Tell us each and every detail!
R: Ok, so..........................

Flashback pause:
S: So what lies did he speak now?

A: Yr Sid if u r not interested in listening then leave!
S: Sry....Continue with his lies I mean tell what he lied I mean spoke.

Flashback resume:

R: My boys gang of the college decided to have a party at the club.
So I got ready and went to the party if I remember clearly then I didn't drank much but I was not in my senses... I don't even remember clearly what happened after I was dancing on the stage!

Skip to next morning:
I woke up in Sid bhai's room.
R: What am I doing here?
My head was aching like hell!
R: How did I come here?
I tried to remember what had happened when flashes of a night before came in my mind.
R: I was dancing with my friends..... O god! I can't even remember clearly what happened.
Yea...I-I  got it how I came in this room.... Some girl left me in this room.... Then I saw Avu then..... Fuck! What have I done? No no no I hope this not true! No it can't be!
I called Anu but she didn't pick up then I called U (Avu)
Even u didn't pick up.
I called Anu again.

Anu: What? Why are u calling me again and again?
R: Anu... Why are u talking to me like this?
Anu: O! Mr. Ritvik then how should I talk to u after what u did? Huh?
R: Anu I-
Anu: I told u to call Me Anushka not Anu! And ya Ritvik from today our relationship is over!
R: No Anu plz....plz don't sa-
She cut the call.

I threw the phone in anger.
And fell on my knees and started crying vigorously.

R: Rest we know what happened.

Flashback Pause
S: Wow! A great story!
A: It's real!
S: For sure!
Sidd  rolled his eyes.
S: Then?

Flashback resume:

A: We can try contacting any of your friend to know what happened after u were drunk.
R: Um... I don't have contact of my friend's contact bcz I lost it when I started this Mafia business.
A: None of ur friend?
R: No... I suppose.
V: Avu.. Do u have contact with any of his friends?
A: No... But Ya! Sid has it.
V: Sid?
A: Ya! Ri was Akhilesh in ur party?
R: No. He was not well that night.
A: Ugh!
R: But...How does Bhai has his contact?
A: He and Sid are good business partners.
V: Maybe Akhilesh has someone's contact out of ur friend's grp?
A: Yea... It can be possible!
AN: Great!
V: But how will we get it?
A: Don't worry... Leave this on me.

Flashback pause

S: So what did you do?
End of The Chapter
Thank u 💞
Luv u 😘
Bye 👋

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