1 : When They Hug You

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Asra : He will suddenly stand up, wrapping you in his arms and telling you he loves you. He would have been thinking about how beautiful you are and how much he loves you, therefore wanted to show his affection. Faust will normally join the cuddle, hissing, "Love" as her tongue tickles you ear.

Julian : Sneaking up behind you, he will fold his arms around your waist, bending slightly to tuck his head in the crook of your neck, then spinning you around for a bear hug. He will often mutter that he is so lucky, or that he loves you, kissing you tenderly on the cheek.

Muriel : Being the shy Boi that he is, he will habitually hug you rather hesitantly, not wanting to hurt you, but when you tell him it's okay and wrap your arms around him, he will hug you properly, sometimes lifting you up and kissing you. He is a very gentle hugger, but doesn't say no to a cuddle once he feels comfortable with it.

Count Lucio : He's the count and he can hug his lover when and where he wants. So, if he is feeling attention-starved he will randomly come up to you and hug you, careful not to wound you with the claws of his golden arm. He will not hesitate to run his hands along your body, enjoying your form immensely. He will tell you how beautiful you are, then suddenly walk off, returning to his work.

Valerius: If he is in the mood for cuddling, or drunk, he will hug you from the side, offering you a sip of his wine. Hugs do not often last long, but you know they are meaningful. Giving you an adoring glance, he will kiss your temple, apologising that he has to return to whatever task he was doing.

So.. That was my first one... They were a bit short; I apologise. Please do comment any suggestions :)

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