12. When You Get Hurt

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Potential triggers : blood. Taking requests! All character scenarios will mention different injury of varying severity.

Asra: Hearing your yelps and muttered curses as you roll over, he bends, hooking his hands under your arms; hauling you to your feet. Seeing the blood trickling down your leg, he mutters something incoherent and leads you to the kitchen, arm wrapped around you. He cleans the wounds, applying herbs and ointments to help it heal, whispering that you scared him, and that you should be more careful. Once you are bandaged, he watches you with especial adherence, afraid that you will hurt yourself again.

Julian: The second you hit the ground, curling in on your bruising ribs, he is beside you, smoothing your hair from your eyes, and trying to slow his breathing. He would never admit the fear that he felt - the fear of losing you again - but it wrought daggers in his heart. He speaks quickly, asking you hurriedly what hurts, gently unfurling your body and pushing up your shirt, careful to preserve your decency. His hands are cool on your heated skin, nonetheless, his face reddens as he slides them up your torso, feeling for any broken bones. Assuring himself that you a alright - hurt, but alright - he winds his arms under you, sucking air through his teeth as he lifts you, carefully pulling your form to his chest. Once back at the shop, he carries you to your bed, putting you down and running from the room, only to return a moment later with large bandages and splints. Once your ribs are properly supported, he strokes your face, asking if he can do anything for the pain. When you reply, he slowly lowers himself down beside you, kissing your hair, and saying how afraid he was, how you need to be more careful, how he doesn't even know how you managed to break six ribs. During your recovery, he will hover over you constantly, giving you extra kisses and attention.

Muriel: You were trying to help chop logs, when you got lightheaded, and fell onto the chopping log, arms folding beneath your being. He will sigh, lifting you gingerly to his chest, muscled arms winding around you as he walks back to the hut - task quite forgotten. If you are in a lot of pain, he will give you medicine,etting Inanna sit on the bed with you during your time of convalescence. If you are badly hurt, he will fetch Julian, doctor 069, and watch nervously as he bandages your/cleans your wounds.

Lucio : The best doctors will be summoned to see to you, and he will pace back and forth, back and forth, muttering that you will be alright. The images of you falling keep replaying in his mind, and he blames himself despite having had no control over what you were doing. If he is in a lascivious mood, he will ask the doctors when you will next be well enough to have sex, ere hovering at your side and peppering your knuckles/face with kisses. Once the doctors leave, he sits cross-legged at the foot of your bed, waiting for you to wake up with depreciating patience. At last, you crack open an eye, whispering his name. He leaps to your side, running a hand along your broken body, voice just as broken, as he says, "Never do that again." He knows that it was an accident, but he needed to tell you anyway. The manner in which time seemed to stop as he watched you fall, fixed to the ground in fear...
"Please, don't leave me, Lucio.."

A little cut.. Whatever warranted such a noise?
He was reading when you entered the living room, wincing as you held your finger - you had been preparing supper when the knife slipped, slicing into the flesh of your digit. He knew that you meant well, so, sighing as he closed his book, and rose from his chair, pulling you back to the kitchen. He ordered you to sit, fetching the bandages and securing your finger. For the rest of the night, he refused to let you use any knifes that were remotely sharp, insisting that you use a butter knife instead. Moreover, he stayed in the kitchen, sipping his wine as he watched you.

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