11. When You Are Captured And Your Keeper Flirts

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This is a request from @cloudedovermind. Title is when captured by a tyrant and they begin to flirt with MC - characters reaction. Hope you like it! Warnings: rape, violence, blood.

Asra: He notices the strange looks that your captor gives you, how their hands lingered a little too long on your wrists; and he wanted to watch them burn for it. Of course, you do not reciprocate the flirting, but he still seethes, becoming bitter and more desperate to escape. When you, at last, bludgeon your captor, and run wildly to the nearest magic portal, he wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tightly. "I did not like them, not one bit."

Julian: The minute the dude winks, he pulls you away from the bars, whispering, "Don't engage with him. This is dangerous."
When you agree, a little of the tension falls from his deportment; he sighs, looking up at you devilishly. "So, my dear, how are we going to escape?" As you discuss plans, the captor returns, holding a leather whip, opening the cage and dragging you out.
"Now, you are going to come with me, dollface. Be good for daddy.. "
Julian's anger was almost tangible as you were dragged away. You could not leave him! Surely, this dude was going to rape you!
You cried his name, summoning your magic to your skin, till it began to burn. The captor roared in pain as the bubbling skin of your palm met his face, reeling backwards. You wrenched the keys from his belt, and ran back to Julian, where he embraced your firmly through the bars, before checking you over once you had released him. "Now, we can escape."

Muriel: "So, Babe, you're a pretty one, ain't cha?" The captors eyes sweep up and down your body, lingering on the skin revealed by your torn clothes, "why don't we say goodbye to your... Friend, and go visit mine?"
He wettens his lips, as Muriels arms wind protectively around you, ensnaring you comfortingly. He grimaces as the cage door grinds open, screeching in the silence. Sconce-lit walls melt away at the snap of the captors fingers, and you are whisked yonder. Muriel shouts your name as you disappear, and the captor winks at him. "Don't you worry, mountain man, you'll still be able to hear her." Murder in his eyes, he has full intention of killing the man, drawing a dagger from his belt, but he fades from view with a grin.

Lucio: Kidnapped for a ransom, he sits cross-legged on his folded cloak, muttering that it will be dirty; that he is cold; that you will get hungry. When the kidnapper at last reappears with a copper tray on which sat a loaf of bread and a single glass of water, he stands, wretchedly aware of the man looking at your behind, he unsheaths his sword, shouting, "Face me like a man! I demand that you stand and fight me!" The man dropped the tray, the water pooling at his feet," N.. No. I have captured you, therefore you will submit and I shall rule."
"With you," he turns in your direction, "as my pet."
Your husband seethes, unbuttoning his coat and dragging his golden claw through his hair. "Oh.. I see..."
He swings his sword above his head, wielding it for momentum, and brings it across the neck of the captor, a manic smile tearing at his countenance at the shattering of bone. You scream, covering your head as you duck, finely evading the man's flying head. Lucio, upon seeing your terror, drops his sword, suppressing the desire to ask if you had seen his excellent swordsmanship, and wraps and arms around you, gently whispering your name. The dungeon reeks of iron, blood spattered on the stone walls, and he moves so that all you can see is his, "spectacular features," as he peppers your face with kisses. "It is alright, he is dead - his end was hasty and painless - and, I did not like how he looked at you.. You belong to me, only."

He will huff in the corner, folding his arms as he glares at your captor through the bars of your prison. He will desperately endeavour to maintain your attention, going the the mad extreme of asking you to plait his hair - anything to ensure that you make no more eye contact with the kidnapper!

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