BP High #1: 1st Encounter

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"Hyung, Chaerin, you do know that Jennie's grades are a little concerning. No amount of money can buy her a spot at a decent college, let alone a private institute."

Principal Kang Daesung passes a report card to the couple in front of him.

Mr Kim Seunghyun pinches the bridge of his brow while Mrs Kim Chaerin leans back against her seat and sighs deeply, throwing dagger-like gazes that can bore through her husband's soul.

"It is all your fault if you didn't spoil her."

"She favours you more than I do, Chaerin."

Cold sweat starts to form on Principal Kang's forehead. He doesn't want an argument to erupt from the couple. They can get rather violent at times when it comes to their one and only daughter.

"Hyung-nim, Chaerin, on the bright side, she is still a sophomore. She still ha a year left to pull up her grades and prepare for the CSAT," says the principal, reassuring them that time is by their side.

"Look into what you can do Daesung. We are counting on you," Mrs Kim almost pleaded to her husband's good friend and college junior.

Mr Kang flashes his eyesmile and replies, "of course, I will do something about it. Would you like to meet here again after I come up with a proposal?"

Mr Kim thinks for a moment and responds, "there is a board of directors' meeting sometime next week. We will meet you at the office."

"Alright." Seeing that both Mr and Mr Kim stand up from their seats, ready to head out of his office, Principal Kang stands and immediately leads them out.

"I will see you out. Be assured that we will work out a solution too."

"Thank you Daesung oppa." says Mrs Kim and the couple leaves the office and heads to their car.


"Ms Jennie Kim!"

Jennie hears a bang on her table and immediately snaps out of her dreamland and sits up straight, almost glaring at the teacher who is responsible for that.

"What is the answer to my question?"

Soon, Jennie's seatmates, Chaeyoung and Lisa are trying to slide their notes closer to Jennie from under their tables, on either side, but obviously, it is too obvious. But still, the teacher can't do much to Jennie since her parents are the board of directors.

Jennie's eyes dart around both sides, gleaming at both answers from her seatmates. Her eyes shine brightly and she replies, almost with a smirk, "0."

Her biology teacher, Ms Park Bom, is trying to hold back her anger and replies, "alright. You are right but please pay attention."

Not expecting an answer from the most rebellious student, she turns around and heads to the front of the class, continue teaching on the metabolism of glucose.

"Thanks, girls!" Jennie whispers to both her seatmates on her left and right and starts staring off to space as Ms Park continues to talk about glucose and many other molecules that sound really unfamiliar.


"We have about a week. What do we do?" Principal Kang says in a worrying tone, pacing up and down while his teachers are seated, looking at the school leader in worry, except for one teacher.

"Principal Kang, please calm down."

"How can I calm down? The school depends on Jennie's parents for funding and we cannot continue our flagship programme if Jennie's results don't improve. Even Ms Park says that the girl is almost beyond hope," says the principal with a deep sigh, worrying about the fate of the school.

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