Prom Night (3/3)

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We watch and listen to our principal as he gives his last thank you thing speech before we finally let loose and have fun.

"Have fun". I was more excited for this an hour ago, but something just really hurts and I don't want it to hurt but what the fuck should I feel? I love Lisa, she's my best friend, my ride or die, but if she likes Jennie I...I just can't like Jennie anymore. That shouldn't be allowed, I shouldn't.

Everyone claps when the speech finishes. Blinking away my thoughts, I join the others in clapping even though we all know that no one actually listens to any of it. I look to the side, Lisa's sitting beside me but she's looking to the left. I follow her gaze and I sadly wish I didn't, because, near the middle side of the room, I see exactly who she's looking at. I mean, as she said earlier,

Jennie's really not that hard to miss.

Jennie and Lisa are smiling at each other. Jennie nods and shakes her head as if they both have this telepathy or language that only they can understand. I let out a breath since it's all that I can do right now.

Soon later, the DJ announces that music will be booming soon, so everyone (yes, including me) got up from their seats as we all go to the middle front where the dance floor is. It's a glass-tiled floor that glows different colors for this EDM pop song.

Lisa pulls me closer as she starts to make me dance with her.

"Shake your body, Jisoo! Let loose, come on!"

"Not exactly a dancer like you, if you don't remember" I laugh, making her laugh.

"You don't need to be a dancer to enjoy the song! What you need to do is just go with the beat!"

I gasp as Lisa suddenly grabs my hands and twirls and spins me around like a ragdoll. It was annoying at first, I was getting dizzy amidst all the flashing lights. But when the song changed into something I've been hearing lately on the radio, I just couldn't help but look at Lisa with a smile. Submitting to her invitation to dance like a complete idiot.

Only in my case, the idiot part is something I can relate to.

About 20 minutes later, a static sound engulfs the room for a quick second. We all look to the DJ fixing the mic, facing it in his direction.

"Now for everyone's most awaited part! No to getting steamy, but yes to getting romance-y!" Yells and claps filled the room along with their smiles, "So grab someone, of course, ask them first! And let the sweet slow song guide your steps! Enjoy" He says the last word more relaxed than the others, and after that, the fast pop song changes to a slow, dreamy, version of Elvis' most famous song. You know what it is.

I look at Lisa, she gives me a thumbs up. I then start to find someone in the sea of couples dancing now. I squeeze through at least 6 couples dancing (some kissing), but I still can't find Jennie. That is until I reach the end of the dance floor, I'm at the front of the tables now where we were sitting earlier. I was about to go back and look again when something catches my peripheral.

"Jennie!" I say more loudly than I expected, "I mean, hey. Why aren't you?" I point at the dance floor,

"I went to the bathroom for a bit. How about you? Why are you here instead of there?"

"Oh, uh..."

"Still too dumbfounded by my gown to speak?" She chuckles. If only she knows,

I chuckle too, "Yeah, kind of. But I'm here to ask you for a favor"

She tilts her head, "Favor?"

"Eh...more of an order but it's a really simple one, I promise. You just need to come with me over at the dance floor,"

"Are you asking me to dance? Because if yes then let's go"

"No, I—"

But before I can even reply, Jennie holds my wrist and leads me to the side of the dance floor. I stand still, contrasting with my flowy navy blue gown. But Jennie, she has her arm around my neck and I didn't believe it. But seconds later, I give into it Because the next thing I know is that I have my hands on her small waist.

I am dancing with Jennie Kim.

But sadly, I'm more or less just an opening act.

"I was supposed to take you over there to the side..."

"Hmm? Why so?"

"Someone wants to talk to you, and has been meaning to talk to you"

I see her blush as she tucks a hair behind her ear, "Is it..."

"Lisa," Her eyes grow wide and I smile at her.

"Why'd, how'd you get to that conclusion? I haven't said anything,"

We're still dancing, little baby steps though rather than a proper dance. But I guess it's better than nothing.

"I think I should get you to her now,"

She simply nods.

We make our way through the crowd. I was supposed to hold her hand while we walked, but I just didn't. I don't know why but I honestly wish I just did because when we got to where Lisa was standing, she hurriedly hugs her. It was a different hug, I just... feel it.

Lisa looks so happy.

A few seconds later, she pulls out the little box and I see Lisa look at Jennie with puppy eyes.

Jennie smiles her gummy smile.

Lisa holds Jennie's hands,
Jennie wraps her hands around Lisa's neck.

Lisa has her hand on Jennie's tiny waist,
and they dance in sync to the sweet calming tune that it was almost so natural.

And on the supposed one of the happiest days of senior year, all I can really do is smile at the sight given to me.

What else is there to do, right?
I don't know what to do.

I make my way to the back of the dance floor, soon exiting myself from the event place. I walk to the restroom, closing the door behind me before leaning my back on it.

I mentally sigh at everything right now. How the fuck didn't I notice? I hate it. But seeing Lisa smile like that, and not only her but Jennie too. I...It was meaning to happen, wasn't it?


I guess I just read this all wrong or maybe there was just a misprint or something. I mean I guess the past seniors never really mentioned that it would be the happiest night of our senior year. However... they did say it was going to be the most memorable.

And I can confirm that prom night is indeed so fucking memorable.

I sink back in utter heartache, not caring if my hair gets all messed up after this. Because what else is there to do tonight? But cry?


All Rights Reserved to the original author: machiiie (on Asianfanfics)

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