Prom Night (2/3)

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Prom formally starts at 7:30 pm, but we're asked to go to the venue as early as 6:40 pm since it's still kind of a school day and they still check attendance, which is so unnecessary by the way!

It's not just a school event, it's prom! I don't see why the school has to slap it with attendance. It's not an academic event like jeez.

Anyways, it's 5:00 pm right now. I'm in my dress getting make-up from my mom. Cheaper than the parlor and I'm not wasting my time answering a stranger's questions and small talks. As my mom fixes my brows, coloring it in and everything, my phone suddenly rings. I open my eyes and grab my phone which was on the table in front of me.


"Jisoo." She replies, "I'm so, so, so excited for tonight! Are you already in your dress?"

"Duh! And mom's doing my makeup right now, but I still have to do my hair. You?"

"Just doing some touch-ups"

"Let's get to the point of why you called me Lisa" I smirk, "Have you asked the person to dance with you later? We still have like an hour left. Never too late to do a little promposal! Or danceposal?"

"Not yet..."

"Oh, come on!"

"But! But...I'm planning to ask them to dance during the start of the slow song and-"

"You want me to help you?"


"Count me in!"

When we reached the venue, I quickly text Lisa on where I was. Beside the entrance, the left side near the balloon decors. I look around the lobby, my batchmates all smiling and chit-chatting, some laughing and taking pictures which honestly makes my heart and insides warm. It's kind of the last day of us high school people being together in a big event before graduation, and I just can't help but to smile at the sight I'm seeing.

My thoughts have been interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder.

"Jisoo! Hey, I'm glad to see you, and wow..." JENNIE. "You look so beautiful!"


With your red spaghetti strap gown that just fits your body so, so perfectly. Everything about her voluminous, wavy hair, and her smokey eye makeup and red lipstick make me realize how fucking willing I am to just kneel right in front of her right now.

But of course, I don't do that.

"Thanks!" I simply said with a smile I think is too wide, "You look, you, very beautiful too. I clearly see why you wanted to wait until tonight to show off your dress"

"You know me, I pride myself over my fashion sense" She giggles.


"Yeah. I don't think anyone could get that title but you,"

"Aww..." She smiles at me, her gaze soft, "You mean that?"

I nod, but that's an act because I feel spit getting stuck in my throat, "I mean it, really. You look stunning tonight, Jennie. Hand to god!"

She smiles, then she giggles at me. She swayed a bit, making our arms touch a little. Little electric bolts shot through my body and I feel so, so, so warm right now. I'm just wishing it doesn't show in my face. I don't think my foundation can cover up the redness if it ever happens.

Jennie looks at me and her eyes widens, "Oh! Let's take a quick picture!"

I agree, shifting my position and standing next to her...and I mean next to HER. It was nerve-wracking; I smell her hair. It smells like those cherry blossom shampoo that Lisa once used.

But more than that, I get to see her smile up close. Her gummy smile, I. I can't look away for some reason. But I was brought out of my thoughts when Jennie shifts her gaze to me after unlocking her iPhone,


I blink, "Yeah! Let's take the pic,"

"3, 2, 1! Cheese!"

We smile. Then she shows me the picture and she smiles again making my stomach fly with the butterflies. We get to small talk again before she finally goes inside the event hall while I wait for Lisa in silence. But inside I'm in sheer bliss.

"Jisoo! Sorry I'm kinda late, my hair got stuck to my jewelry for a quick minute"

I look at Lisa, "Finally! It's fine. Now, let's get to business. What do we do later for your little dance?"

"Here," Lisa pulls out something from her little purse. A box, a velvet box. I was about to speak until she opened it revealing a small note with the writing: "Dance with me?"

I smile. How cute is that? My best friend is finally gonna ask her crush to dance with her.

"Dang, girl. I wish I have your confidence"

"So you do like someone right now?" Lisa gives me a smirk, "What happened to Jinyoung though?"

"He didn't ask me" Lisa smiles apologetically, "Luckily"

She laughs at my last remark, "Guess he got scared"

"That's more good than bad, I'm fine with it. But yeah, what do you want me to do? Lead the person to you or?"

Lisa nods, "Yes! When the slow dance starts, I'll be at the side. I don't know where the person's going to be, but I'm sure you won't miss them!"

"That's easy enough except for the last part!" Lisa looks at me confused, "Who should I find?"

Lisa looks down and plays with the ribbon on her gown. She starts to take a breath and I see her cheeks go red despite the thin layer of foundation on it. She straightens her back, preparing herself to finally share what she wanted to tell me. Who is this boy she likes?

I smile at her and give her a "just-tell-me-already" look. Lisa smiles, a wide smile like it was almost tiring to smile that much. Then, she tells me the name,

She tells me the name,
No, not a boy.

She tells me,
She tells me her name,
Lisa tells me,

"Jennie Kim"

I am crumbling beneath my smile.

Out of anyone I can ever imagine, why does this have to happen? Lisa, my best friend, likes Jennie. Lisa likes Jennie and I was too stupid not to notice.

The store, the looks, the innocent giggles that lingered between them, the inside jokes, the way they were so comfortable with each other, the way Lisa froze when she saw Jennie walk in, the way she stuttered and fumbled in her sentences when she was talking to her, the way she smiled when she told me she was planning to ask someone to dance, the way she just showed me the little velvet box, the way she, the way Lisa said her name just now like it was the most precious thing in the world she could've ever said and the most precious thing that her lips could ever say, I—


"So? Are you ready to accomplish this mission later?"

I smile and nod, "Yes. I am"

Lisa giggles again, coming closer to hug me tightly while saying "thank you" over and over. I hug her back and try my absolute best to keep my tears in the fucking inside of my eye socket.

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